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45 tracks from 1990 have been recommended.
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Velouria  performed by The Pixies  1990
Recommended by wendyloohoo [profile]

This song is a great sing-a-long song while still really rocking!! Kim Deal's contrasting vocals really pop! I love this song!

from Bossa Nova, available on CD (4AD)

Daymaker  performed by Bob  1990
Recommended by delicado [profile]

Absolutely cracking track. I was nuts for this back in 1990 when it came out and recently rediscovered it. A really nice mix of guitar driven pop, excellent Beach Boys influenced vocals and catchy, shuffling beat. Just a great track. Bob are a hard band to track down stuff by because their name is so generic. But you can listen to it (and all their releases actually) at their site -

from Stride up EP (House of Teeth)

"at the moment"  performed by zoviet france  1990
Recommended by kohl [profile]

the softer side of industrial/experimental music. a repetitive blend of voice and samples which is ideal to listen to with headphones.

available on CD - look into me

Gods Cop  performed by The happy Mondays   1990
Recommended by geezer [profile]

This one track alone contains all the swagger and danger that made The Mondays musics public enemy number one ,a bunch of bad boy Mancs led by two brothers years before that other bunch of bad boy Mancs led by two brothers ,rockin and funky and joyous .

from Thrill Pills and bellyaches
available on CD - Thrills PIlls and Bellyaches

You Used To  performed by Distant Cousins  1990
Recommended by geezer [profile]

We all know a song whose brilliance seemed to avoid the rest of the worlds attention but "You Used To" is genuinely brilliant .Released at the start of the 90,s in the midst of Mad-chester and all that!,this soulful,mournful swirling orchestral epic sank without trace soon after .I found a copy a few weeks ago and its brilliance has not been dimmed by the passing of time in fact it now seems more relevant in the wake of Massive Attack,Morcheba and Duffy .You may find it hard to find but if you have it let someone else hear it NOW!!!!!!!!!!

from Distant cousins
available on CD - Distant Cousins/You Used To cd single

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