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115 tracks from 2001 have been recommended.
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Red  performed by Okkervil River  2001
Recommended by gingerninja [profile]

Alt-Country style lement about the colour red. Beautifull imagery.

from ?

  07 Oct 03 ·Reina: I recommmended this song, too, I think, a while back. It's such a great song, but its sad that no one has really ever heard of it.
J’Attendrai  performed by Michael Berard  2001
Recommended by russk666 [profile]

An acoustic (classical) guitar rendition played over the closing credits of the Showtime Film: "Varian's War" The vertuoso Jazz musician from Quebec has graced us with the finest performance of this much loved and performed chanson extant. It is perfection.

from DVD :"Varian's War" (Showtime Entertainment)
available on CD - not (none)

so good to see you  performed by Mark Kleiner power projekt  2001
Recommended by moondog [profile]

Powerpop the way it�s meant to be. The opening track on canadian`s Mark Kleiner fabulous debutalbum is just as uplifting as the songtitle might imply. Piano, guitars a killerchorus and songwriting with such an effortless flow that it blows away all the recordcollecting dust that usually litters the genre.

from love tonight (mint records)

Get a Room  performed by Jim O’Rourke  2001
Recommended by hewtwit [profile]

One of the finest songs to come from o'rourke's bacharachisation. Lovely changes, brilliant lyrics and an epic ending which is as depressing as it is funny.

from insignificance

greater heights  performed by motion soundtrack  2001
Recommended by bandag23 [profile]

this song makes me loopy with goodness.
motion soundtrack rocks.

from nine days wonder (racecar records)

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