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OneCharmingBastard [profile] has recommended 3 tracks.
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Do I Scare You  performed by Shakespear’s Sister  1996
Composed by Fahey/Stewart/Hodgens

One of the finest moments of she-glam ever, Siobhan Fahey's long-buried-but-about-to-be-unearthed-for-reconsideration third Shakespear's Sister record has many harrowing moments of brilliance, but none moreso than "Do I Scare You". Opening with a swirl of Eastern-cum-goth keyboards, boasting "there goes the year/in doctors bills and sleeping pills", Fahey's voice squeaks, snipes, and snarls throughout, ultimately climaxing on the verge of pumping lyrical lead into a deserving partner (and listener) by the final bridge. I can't think of a celebrity meltdown on disc that was ever this catchy.

from Shakespear's Sister (SF)
available on CD - The Best Of Shakespear's Sister (London/Warner)

You’re No Good  performed by Dee Dee Warwick  1963
Composed by Ballard

Having grown up treasuring the memory of Linda Ronstadt's "Heart Like A Wheel" era version (ah, those AM radio school bus days of childhood), I was nothing short of amazed to find out that not only was it a cover, but a shockingly inferior one at that (picture that - a shoddy Linda Ronstadt cover!). This original from 1963 finds Dionne's little sister (she of the more soulful chops in the family) strutting her stuff in a Lieber/Stoller production that apparently sank without a trace, but my oh my, what a revelation.

Baby It’s True  performed by Mari Wilson  1983

Tony Mansfield (New Musik) produced mock-soul from the best beehive in the biz next to Kate & Cindy; from the spoken intro, to the soaring brass and strings, it is the blend of Bacharach and Motown that should've translated into a much bigger hit than it did.

from Showpeople (London)

  14 Jan 05 ·n-jeff: It was quite a hit in the UK if I recall correctly. This post has just filled my head with Images. Neasdon, the mentioned Beehives, spangly mini dresses, Tony mansfields mid 70's pop show on TV. Did Tony Mansfield really look like Pete Waterman, as my memory insists?
  28 Mar 05 ·Mike: Tony Mansfield was/is a musical genius, as noted elsewhere in my recommenations. Not quite sure how he could have had a pop show on tv in the mid 70s, though...The big hit he had with Mari Wilson was "Just what I've always wanted". He looked a bit geeky...did Pete Waterman copy his look? I don't know...
  15 Apr 05 ·rsfinla: Actually Tony Mansfield did not produce Baby It's True. I believe it was Tot Taylor that gave this song the big sound it deserved.
  07 Dec 05 ·n-jeff: I've just remembered it was Mike Mansfield that had the TV show. It ws fun all the same. And it was Mike Mansfield that looked like PW, at least in my mind.
  12 May 09 ·geezer: Awise and truly awesome choice of obscure pop

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