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470 tracks from UK have been recommended.
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Viva Bobby Joe  performed by The Equals  1968
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Who'd have guessed that Eddy "Electric Avenue" Grant had been in such an awesome psychedelic pop band? I'm not entirely sure what this song is about (Sex? Racecars? Paper towels?), but I do so love it.

from the single Viva Bobby Joe (Fontana)
available on CD - Viva Equals (MCI)

tears of a clown  performed by mark holmes  1965
Recommended by jmadferit [profile]

there is nothing like hearing mark holmes count down into this explosive cover. it's tops. you should check it out. in fact, check out all of his compilations.

from Mark holmes compilation 12 (sony 90210), available on CD

Something in the Air  performed by Les Reed  1970
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Les Reed, the man behind the Dave Clark Five, Tom Jones, Englebert Humperdinck, the Fortunes, and so many more, leads his orchestra & chorus through this quadraphonic recording of the Thunderclap Newman hit. Absolutely frickin' brilliant, too.

from Love is All (London)

Punk Girl  performed by Thee Headcoatees  1997
Recommended by tinks [profile]

The most snarling piece of the most amateurish punk rock. The guitars shreds through you, and when she sings "I'll beat you down 'til you are dead," I believe it!

from Punk Girls (Sympathy for the Record Industry), available on CD

Narco Montenot  performed by Stereolab  1994
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Very possibly the 'Lab's most beautiful song. Sounds vaguely barouque beneath all those layers of floating voices & technological acumen. The whole thing races by at a dirge's pace, constantly hinting that it's about to be set loose into a frenzy, but always kept reined in. Appeared as a b-side on the "Wow & Flutter" single.

from Wow & Flutter (EP), available on CD

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