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1 track performed by Arnaud Fleurent Didier has been recommended.
En vieillissant peut-être ...  performed by Arnaud Fleurent Didier
Recommended by moondog [profile]

I adore this man. A-D-O-R-E. But i seem to be quite alone in doing this outside france. And i can´t figure out why. For my money he (pardon my language)pisses all over katerine, benjamin biolay, divine comedy and louis phillipe etc. In fact the closest description of his music would be if The Divine Comedy came from france. Perhaps Arnaud is the kind of artist that you either go totally nuts about or you don´t get it all. A bit like Prefab Sprout. So, to pick any track is virtually impossible since i love nearly everything he has done but i go for "En vieillisant peut-etre" from his towering masterpiece "Portrait du jeune homme en artiste".

from Portrait du jeune, available on CD

  22 Nov 05 ·delicado: hi there... well, you converted me to this guy pretty much immediately after playing it to me as well. I was then amazed to find no one really talking about him. where did you hear about him first of all? Did he do a follow up LP yet?
  22 Nov 05 ·moondog: Hi, glad you liked it, well i first heard of him on the site www.poppolar, a sympathetic canadian indiemailorder site which distrubutes his records. I think i crammed in the best of what he has done for you, both the Notre Dame album "Chansons Francaises" which preceeded the portrait de jeune cd and some other tracks. He has done one cd with singer ema Derton called "Comment de l`amour" under Notre Dame as well but it�s not up to the standard of the other ones i mentioned since her voice is quite weak. At you can see about all his projects and other french artists.
  24 Oct 07 ·texjernigan: I'm with you guys on the love. I started talking with Arnaud Fleurent Didier because his record label, french touche, seems to be run by him. I find it really hard to get this music by ANY means (rapidshare, slsk, etc). The label has been hit or miss (I've lost $20) Where have the two of you gotten a hold of it?
  25 Oct 07 ·texjernigan: I take it back nevermind, french touche records has awesome service.
  02 Nov 07 ·moondog: good to see another afd fan. Well, texjernigan i got my first afd records from but after that french touche has worked well. I still scratch my head on why arnaud seems to be so completely unknow outside france. But perhaps that explains the lack of slsk, radpidshare on his behalf. From what i have heard there is a new longplayer in the works called "la reproduction". i have mailed arnaud but gotten no answer, do you know more tex jernigan perhaps ?
  15 Jan 09 ·moondog: And his new record is on its way now, sounds unsurprisingly amazing ;
  04 Jan 10 ·moondog: and now the new album finally is here, Listen here and swoon ;

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