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6 tracks performed by Claudine Longet have been recommended.
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Here, there and everywhere  performed by Claudine Longet  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

A lovely light bouncy version of this song, from a superb album. One of my favorite Beatles interpretations.

from Claudine (A & M)
available on CD - Very Best Of (Varese)

It�s Hard To Say Goodbye  performed by Claudine Longet  1968
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

I absolutely love Claudine Longet, especially her 60's A&M records due to the consistency in arrangement and production (all A&M albums were arranged by Nick DeCaro and produced by Tommy LiPuma). This is a great Roger Nichols/Paul Williams tune and the arrangement and production, with lovely strings, is just wonderfully done.

from Love Is Blue (A&M SP 4142)

I don't intend to spend Christmas without you  performed by Claudine Longet  1968
Recommended by jezandliz1 [profile]

Really cheering to find so many other Longet recommendations on the site. This festive gift seems only to be available on the Japanese "Best of" but repays handsomely the effort in seeking it out. Highly melodic and atmospheric it begs you to curl up in front of a real fire with a loved one in a cottage miles from anywhere...

Claudine recorded a number of Margo Guryan songs which are all impossibly fey, seductive and bewitching and I couldn't get through a week without them. (BTW I would also recommend all of the tracks (not one duffer) on Margo Guryan's album Take a Picture)

available on CD - A & M Digitally Remastered Best (A & M Japan)

Man In A Raincoat  performed by Claudine Longet  1968
Recommended by konsu [profile]

I had to mention my favorite Claudine tune. A nice cinematic piece about an enigmatic lover with "Laughing eyes & dark brown hair..." who sweeps her off her feet, then splits with her dough when he goes to buy a ring. The track is touched by the deep-blue sax of Ernie Watts, which gives the track a "Noir-ish" vibe. Look of Love is one of the best records she did in her short career. Arranged by the genius Nick DeCaro, the godfather of A.O.R. !

from Look Of Love (A&M SP - 4129), available on CD

Wanderlove  performed by Claudine Longet  1967
Recommended by scrubbles [profile]

I always like Claudine Longet's whispery, French accented voice, singing cutesy little love songs with all the dreamy passion of a girl decorating her school notebook with detailed drawings of unicorns and flowers. But she sounds even better when performing a darker, vaguely forboding song like "Wanderlove". The gentle string arrangement and subtle sitar flourishes are the icing on the cake. Wherever you're going, Claudine, take me with you.

from Claudine (A&M), available on CD

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