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4 tracks called “Rhode Island Is Famous for You” have been recommended.
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Rhode Island Is Famous For You  performed by Blossom Dearie  1960
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

A cute and amusing song from the 1948 musical, 'Inside USA', this song is perfect for Ms. Dearie's adorable voice. She swings thru a state-by-state list, hilighting what each state is famous for, at first on a factual basis, then going off in a whimsical frenzy with such phrases as, "Pencils, come from Pencil-vania, vests from Vest Virginia, and tents from Tent-essee, they know mink where they grow mink, in Wyomink, a camp chair in New Hampchair, that's for me!" I'm amazed that the Farelly Brothers haven't gotten this one to use in one of their films yet!

from Blossom Dearie, Soubrette, Sings Hit Broadway Songs (Verve MGV 2133)
available on CD - Blossom Dearie - Verve Jazz Masters 51 (Verve/Polygram 529906)

Rhode Island Is Famous For You  performed by John Pizzarelli
Recommended by rleftwich [profile]

I just heard John Pizzarelli do a fantastic version of this song at Birdland.

  14 Mar 03 ·FlyingDutchman1971: I'll have to check this out. I recently recommended Blossom Dearie's recording of this great song. It is definitely a great composition.
Rhode Island Is Famous For You  performed by Nancy LaMott
Recommended by California [profile]

This swings along and it's witty and it's romantic too. A wonderful match for Nancy LaMott's wonderful voice.

from My Foolish Heart, available on CD (Midder Music)

Rhode Island Is Famous for You  performed by Lascivious Biddies
Recommended by JMartz [profile]

Performed under its alternate title, "Coney Island", t;he Biddies' version, from their debut CD, Biddi-luxe!, swings and bops with the jazzy exuberance. If you don't know the Biddies, this is a great introduction. These girls have the chops!!

  22 Mar 06 ·FlyingDutchman1971: I will have to seek this one out. My favorite artist Blossom Dearie recorded a great version of it back in the 1950's. I have it listed as a recommendation on this site.

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