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35 tracks from 1976 have been recommended.
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pissing in a river  performed by the patti smith group  1976
Recommended by monique [profile]

a passionate, rough-voiced rock legend begging for a lover to return. crying guitar, wailing background singers...what more can i say?

from "all over me" soundtrack (TVT records)

  06 Nov 02 ·modadelic: patti was totally out there back when this track was happening. those first two albums were brilliant, esspecially the radio ethiopia track on same name album. sadly for her early supporters it was not listening heaven after she had a fluke hit and commercialism raised its tired and ugly head and patti was somehow lead to believe she only wrote songs that were as good as other 70's songwriters when in reality she used to write songs that were way above any other writers.the songs on the first two albums have incredible atmosphere and that was all lost after because the night hit mainstream ears. the first two albums and any bootlegs from 75/76 are worth anyones time and money.
Gudrun  performed by Pierrot Lunaire  1976
Recommended by dedismo [profile]

One of the best groups immersed in the second wave of Italian progressive bands. They were able to fluidly combine classical and avant-garde elements in an involving manner with electric and acoustic instruments complemented by light, soft vocals. Arturo Stalteri piano, organ, spinet, cembalo, synth, glockenspiel, acoustic guitar, recorder, tambourine, violin Gaio Chiocchio electric & acoustic guitar, mandoline, harpsicord, synth, shaj baja, zither tirolese, sitar, bell Jacqueline Darby voice This group was formed by piano virtuoso Arturo STALTERI , it reminds me of Schoenberg+Ennio Morricone goes to the prog church with a crisp broadcast-like vocalist (experimental). Sometimes it makes people want to skin cats.

from Gudrun (MP RECORDS MPRCD008)

  20 Apr 01 ·delicado: this sounds very cool! I particularly like your last comment about skinning cats; I wonder if it will have that effect on me...
Kinky Love  performed by Nancy Sinatra  1976
Recommended by delicado [profile]

A highly enjoyable song on many levels. Firstly, the words are ridiculous. 'Don't you know I understand you're a man, and you've got to have your kinky love' is pretty funny, but that's nothing compared to 'baby take me inside, and let the honey slide'. Musically, it's really rather charming as well, opening with just Nancy's voice and a cool watery guitar sound, building beautifully with some great strings. Even though I find myself laughing at the lyrics, she sounds very vulnerable and serious; her voice seems to break at certain points. All in all, this is really every bit as enjoyable as her superb 60s material.

from the single Kinky Love
available on CD - Sheet Music

  05 Dec 01 ·tempted: The British art pop group The Pale Saints recorded a terrific version of Kinky Love around 1990. Beautiful homage to this exceptional song!
  11 Dec 01 ·delicado: yeah, I'm a huge fan of the pale saints, and I actually heard their version first. I think a few of their songs are truly incredible; I'll have to recommend some here soon.
  26 Feb 02 ·bobbyspacetroup: Wow. This is a cool track. I played it for my girlfriend, and the lyrics really cracked her up. Anyone know who produced or arranged this track? I'd definitely be interested in other material along these lines, Nancy Sinatra or otherwise.
  04 May 02 ·joakimbo: !!! im desperate to get hold of the pale saints version of kinky love but cant find it anywhere!! can anyone help? i may have to call my boyfriend of 10 years ago to ask for a copy of his, tho i think his now wife may not approve!
  19 Oct 03 ·delicado: A belated response for bobbyspacetroup: the track was from a single, produced by Snuff Garrett and arranged by Al Capps. Yes, let's find some more stuff with this sound!
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: To Joakimbo .... hey Stupid ... why don't you do what I did about 14 years ago when I first heard Kinky Love by the Palesaints ... go to your Record Store and ORDER the 4 song EP ... duhhhh ... pretend there's no Kaaza and support this fabulous band that has disbanded .... Spend some MONEY for a change.
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: Delicado ... Kinky Love was originally written by Dave Ellington, for Nancy Sinatra. Once again "Bimbo" .. borrow some cash and order this EP ... you'll be glad you did. KL was the first song I heard by the palesaints, and now have everything they published. They disbanded in the late Nineties.
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: To all ... the palesaints was one of the most creative 90's British Alternative bands to ever exist, along with My Bloody Valentine, The Cocteau Twins etc etc ....
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: Just one more thing, Delicado .. you say these lyrics are "stupid" .. sung by Nancy S yes .. the palesaints version, with the gorgeous and subtle guitarwork of Graeme Nesmith, along with Mariel Barham's sultry and
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: dark voice make up the whole recipe to make this song work ... a woman and a man are in love ... they have a perhaps twisted but beautiful sexual relationship as well ... it's a love song .. NS's version is eww.
  20 Jul 05 ·delicado: to my namesake mr. wonny: I'm a huge fan of pale saints; bought the 12" on the day it came out. Also rather like the Nancy version; let's live and let live, eh!
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: Well .. hello ... here's some dumb Johnny/Palesaints trivia .. the first cd I ordered lasted about 2 weeks ... I was drunk, and a few cds were on the floor by my bed .. I thought one was the ashtray and ruined it. Ordered another the nest day. First heard it on CJSW (University FM).
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: By the way Kimbo, if you ever come back here, I found a site where you can order Flesh Balloon, along with anything else they did ...
  20 Jul 05 ·Johnny Wonny: Course you can try Ebay .... I may have spoken in haste ... perhaps these cds are no longer in print ... I bought them all up till about 1994 or 5 ... since then the band has died ...
Cough/ Cool  performed by The Misfits  1976
Recommended by Kriswell [profile]

This is by no means a new release, but I've recently gotten back in to it. Most people have a misconception about The Misfits. Yes they have recorded some very 'crap' songs, and the newly re-vised band and almost everything Danzig has done lately is complete garbage in my eyes, however the original Misfits early recordings, circa 1975-77 are simply amazing. 'Cough/ Cool' is a Hammond/ Fender Rhodes driven, atmospheric masterpiece. Danzig croons like Jim Morrison in this emotionally charged ballad(?). Granted, the lyrics are kind of dark, "scent of blood when you cough, cool, cool, cool, cough, cool ", and most of the other words are relatively indeciphrable, yet shockingly 'pretty' least in their tonal quality. The song is very scaled-down and under produced (organ, electric piano, bass and drums), but this is a good thing, it's part of its charm. The amount of reverb and slap-back echo on Glenn's voice is brilliant. So, I urge anyone who has never listened to The Misfits due to the forementioned reasons to get off their collective 'high horses' and give it a listen, they have some really great songs. Other good tracks from the same era include; "Return of The Fly", "She", "Hybrid Moments", "Come Back", "American Nightmare", etc...

from the single Cough/ Cool (Caroline)
available on CD - Coffin Box Set (Caroline)

  20 Dec 07 ·yoakamae: Ya I'd have to say, the Misfits were an amazing band during the 70's. Their old work was all so original, I can't get a feel for Danzig's new material with his current band. Last Caress is a great old track as well, one of my favourites with that awesome guitar riff, circa '79?
Pigs On The Wing  performed by Pink Floyd  1976
Recommended by arnold-layne [profile]

this a great song . It is in two parts. POTW part 1 is opening the 'Pink Floyd-Animals' album and the second one is closing it...

from Animals
available on CD - animals

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