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121 tracks from 2002 have been recommended.
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track one a.k.a. vaka  performed by Sigur R�s  2002
Recommended by maansloep [profile]

I love the album ( ), but the first track has always been my favorite. I love the way it starts out. It's sort of like the needle dropping onto a record.

from ( ), available on CD (PIAS)

Repined bastard nation  performed by Satyricon  2002
Recommended by olli [profile]

Satanist surf rock! (or a reasonable facsimile of that would sound like, anyway.)
From the land of polar bears and fjords
comes this insanely massive-sounding piece of black metal with a heavy dose of Dick Dale influences. It's quite poppy for a black metal tune, if you can see past the growling. I have to admit I've never actually listened too closely to the lyrics, i'm sure they're very misantrophic and gloomy and all, but this song feels very uplifting to me somehow. same thing as with Primal Scream's Detroit and Ennio Morricone's Magic and Extacy, i guess.
the synth effects round it out nicely, the guitars are fast and furious, and you got to love that drumming.

(One of these days I'm gonna have to make a mixtape with the world's most glaringly insane shifts of tone from one song to the next. This will fit nicely in between Dean Martin and Jean Jaques Perrey...)

from Volcano

Stars  performed by Tatu  2002
Recommended by Mike [profile]

There are some disposable pop records that have certain things going for them which lift them above the norm and confer a kind of appeal which, though often temporary in nature, shines through in spite of their annoynances.

So it is with this one, which has a chord sequence that repeats over and over on the synth, and a rather annoying melody/rap sequence. It's also rather rhythmically unimaginative, and most western listeners will find that the Russian folk instrument (don't know what it is) will grate mercilessly. And if that wasn't enough, it ends unforgivably unmusically when an electronic beep simply cuts in suddenly.

However, because I am a such a sucker for this kind of minor key chordal writing, particularly when synths are involved, I enjoy the record, which at least does lack the merciless rhythmic hammering effect of their hit single "All the things she said".

from 200 km/h in the wrong lane, available on CD (Interscope)

  06 Mar 05 ·olli: now that's a careful, careful recommendation:)
  07 Mar 05 ·Mike: Hmm, yes. I'm a very careful kind of guy!!!!
  07 Mar 05 ·Mike: And I think you'd be a lot more concerned if you'd seen a less than careful recommendation for this one!
  07 Mar 05 ·olli: hmm, yes. true.
Rollerskate  performed by Call and Response  2002
Recommended by Ricard [profile]

From all the summery pop music on this site, think you'll love this song from the Californians Call and Response about the simple joys of rollerskating.
You can download it for free (and legally) from so why not give it a listen.

Lottery Winners on Acid  performed by The Crimea  2002
Recommended by Ricard [profile]

The Crimea are the current guise of 90's Welsh indie band The Crocketts, who were pretty rubbish and best forgotten. However, this song, which I think was their first single as the Crimea, is fantastic. It has a great summery feel thanks to some steel drums, goood weird lyrics, and thanks to Davey Crocketts always ammusing fake American singing voice sounds like its come straight from 60s California. This is the only song I've heard by the band since they became the Crimea so not sure whether it's a one-off or they really have improved since the days of the Crocketts (Aberystwyths most famous band!).

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