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121 tracks from 2002 have been recommended.
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Waters Of March  performed by Akiko  2002
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

An outstanding version of this much covered Jobim tune by japanese singer Akiko with Corinne Drewery of Swing Out Sister providing guest vocals. Starts out light and fluffy it later gets into full gear with electric harpsicord, orchestra, percussion, saxophone and a massive background chorus all blended together wonderfully by Paul Staveley O'Duffy (who also produced all but one Swing Out Sister records).

from Hip Pop Bop, available on CD (Verve)

arise  performed by lynne Arriale trio  2002
Recommended by dexxas [profile]

If You have a good hi fi system seriously set up with good speaker cable and good interconects and your taste is smooth jazz. this lady is wonderful. Just piano double bass and drums hear. The detail in this CD recording is brilliant. every light touch the drummer makes you can pick it out. the track i have picked is the title its soft haunting and rather special have a listen.

from Arise (Motema Motema MTM/1372)
available on CD - yes (Motema)

"Green Eyes"  performed by Coldplay  2002
Recommended by pleasepleaseme [profile]

Chris Martin is an angel. This track is very special. A very private song about a very public matter. Namely Gweyneth Paltrow's Breakup with Brad Pit and her engagement to Chris Martin. His vow of love to her. Heartfelt & touching. This Album is very inspired!

from A Rush Of Blood To The Head, available on CD

untitled 4  performed by Sigur R�s  2002
Recommended by catch_her [profile]

also known as Njosnavelin // The Nothing Song

probably my favorite song by them. incredibly beautiful.

from ( )

  03 Aug 06 ·FCS: Great song... If you like them, try listening to M�m... Maybe "The Ghosts You Draw On My Back"... See ya!
Curbside Prophet  performed by Jason Mraz  2002
Recommended by Squince [profile]

It has very funny/interesting lyrics. It flows very well and is fun to sing along to :)

from Waiting For My Rocket To Come, available on CD

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