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In my dreams  performed by The Earls of Suave  1994

An indescribably brilliant 50s-style rock'n'roll ballad, with vocals by the inimitable Marquis de suave. The musical setting is breathtakingly authentic, and the emotions are raw and powerful, as the vocals screech 'in my dreams...../I dreamed you didn't want me...' It's extremely hammed up and over the top, but quite wonderful all the same. Most of this band went on to form the excellent Flaming Stars.

from the single In my dreams (Vinyl Japan)

  20 Jan 03 ·phil: I was just searching for the earls of suave on the internet, and google returned this entry - and I just had to agree with mr Delicado here. A truly stupendous piece of work that everyone involved should be very proud of - sounds like it was recorded on 10 pints and is all the better for it. I've done a bit of research into this, and as far as I can tell, the Marquis de Suave now works in advertising.
  04 Jun 06 ·headcoat: this song appears in the punk film "Shooting at the Moon" watchable here:
Charlotte Anne  performed by Julian Cope  1988
Composed by Cope

I heard this again today for the first time in a while; I still think it's one of the best pop songs written in the 80s. The production is smooth and slightly spooky, and the repetitive tune which continues in the background throughout the song makes it even more catchy. The words are rather stirring, and Julian is as enchanting a vocalist as ever.

from My Nation Underground (Island)
available on CD - Floored Genius (Island)

(What's your story) Morning Glory  performed by Milt Jackson  1963
Composed by Mary Lou Williams

An excellent cut, with wailing big band brass and cool vibes. The song is quite familiar - musically it is an early draft of the standard 'Black coffee', sounding similar, but slightly sped-up. The percussion is also excellent - lots of bongos. Overall, the sound recalls some of Mancini's best 50s work, but somehow sounds even more vital and brilliant to me. Milt's work on the vibes also seems to have influenced Angelo Badalamenti (his David Lynch soundtrack work, anyway), and the solo work of Barry Adamson.

from For someone I love, available on CD ()

S�o Paulo  performed by Nelson Riddle  1970
Composed by Riddle

A superbly catchy mood music piece, with a gentle bossa rhythm and Claus Ogerman-arranged strings. Very cool, and from the same album which featured strongly on the superb 'Snowflakes' CD compilation of the best mood music from the German MPS label. This track arrived in my head after I woke up this morning and demanded to be played. Very sleek and cool.

from Colors (MPS/BASF)

Deep Down  performed by Christy  1968
Composed by Ennio Morricone

I'm surprised to find I haven't recommended this song before. An enchanting piece of futuristic pop written by Ennio Morricone, this great tune was part of the score for the wonderfully stylish Mario Bava movie 'Danger: Diabolik'. Christy, who also sung on some Piero Piccioni scores, was (is?) a heartfelt 'belter', and here she sings the italian lyrics, which are peppered with English phrases, especially passionately. There is a cool echoey effect on her voice, giving the whole affair an other-worldly, underwater feel. Musically, it's a very catchy psych-pop track, with a twangy, rocky guitar. It's quite short, but extremely powerful.

from the single Deep Down
available on CD - Canto Morricone Vol. 1 (Bear Family)

  01 Sep 06 ·leonthedog: This "Canto Morricone" volume sent me on a frantic chase for so many things; most rewarding was the "Danger: Diabolik" soundtrack. (The movie is a hoot and quite a bargain, too.) Mina... Spaak... Miranda Martino... Rita Monico... and what about Ken Colman? "Trio Junior"??? This CD will infect you, so you'd better just go get it!
  28 Mar 11 ·delicado: I realize it has been almost 10 years since I wrote this - but just to throw it out there - this track really is absolutely amazing!
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