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3 tracks performed by This Mortal Coil have been recommended.
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"not me"  performed by this mortal coil  1984
Recommended by kohl [profile]

the song that made me rediscover them. the intro begins and shifts into something else. the lyrics are delivered carefully, almost in hesitation, while the music itself is more forceful. i'm not sure what else i could add.

it may be as you say
i'll admit
but you don't sound convinced
between the surface you and the surface me
you didn't touch me
it may be as well that
i didn't see the point
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me

i suppose it's just hollow
no idea--no spark
when i thought that in order to survive
you need to touch me
all of the mes
it may be as well that
i didn't see the point
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me
you didn't touch me

available on CD - it'll end in tears

song of the siren  performed by this mortal coil
Recommended by marisofparis [profile]

This plays during a very creepy/hot sex scene, go figure, from David Lynch's "Lost Highway". The song isn't on the soundtrack and I had to hunt it down seperately.

The mixture of the female singer's flowing voice with the slow guitar, following a step behind, is soothing and gorgeous.

It is a love song but one of sitting lost and alone "at the breakers" waiting for either love to return or to "lie with death, my bride"

Drugs  performed by This Mortal Coil  1986
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

Perhaps the least typical track from the 4AD house band � and, ironically, one of the project�s great triumphs. Abandoning for a moment their gorgeous� prototype - beautifully dreamy soundscapes and/or readings of songs by Tim Buckley, Alex Chilton, etc. � this Talking Heads cover is little more that a series of grinding, funky sample loops w/Alison Limerick�s soulful vocals drifting in and out. A brilliant rethink of the song, that anticipates (perhaps influenced?) the Bristol/trip-hop mob - Portishead, Tricky, Massive Attack, et al. (Can still be found as a vinyl 10� single, if you look hard.)

from Filigree & Shadow (4AD)
available on CD - Filigree and Shadow (4AD)

  09 Nov 04 ·kohl: great band.
  13 Nov 04 ·konsu: Sort of ironic too, considering an interview with Ivo I once read with a short list of groups he wished he'd signed to 4AD, which included Portishead. TMC was such an ifluential project that completely escaped the 80's indie mainstream indeed.

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