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4 tracks performed by Cocteau Twins have been recommended.
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Aikea-Guinea  performed by Cocteau Twins  1985
Recommended by delicado [profile]

A perfect song. I love every note. The mood is desolate, yet warm and reassuring as well. The bassline and guitar playing recall some of the great early-period New Order tracks. The track fades in beautifully with bass, drums, and guitar. The drums and bass are steady, while the effects-laden guitar shimmers over the top. Liz Fraser's vocal is at first understated, until the chorus begins. Her voice soars as a simple piano sound joins the mix. The chords are simple, almost inevitable, but the instrumentation and execution are quite stunning.

Happily, you can hear this song and see the original video at the Cocteau Twins official site:

from the single Aikea-Guinea (4AD BAD501)
available on CD - Aikea-Guinea (4AD)

  23 Mar 06 ·audioadventures: Another one of my favourites of all time. Gives me goosebumps.
  26 Mar 06 ·leonthedog: Yes, I remember playing this EP over and over back when it was only on vinyl... Although "Kookaburra" is, in my opinion, even more heavenly! Like angels comforting you...
Carolyn's Fingers  performed by Cocteau Twins  1988
Recommended by mayers [profile]

from Blue Bell Knoll, available on CD

  19 Apr 01 ·delicado: Superb track! I must start listing some Cocteau Twins; love the whole Blue Bell Knoll album.
Cherry-coloured funk  performed by Cocteau Twins
Recommended by paris_no_more [profile]

Beetles and eggs and blues and pour a little everything else...

"Lazy Calm"  performed by Cocteau Twins  1986
Recommended by pleasepleaseme [profile]

Rather than single out any song on this record, i'll recommend the album as a whole. A journey to Paradise in sound. Robin Guthrie & Elisabeth Fraser have moved beyond their post punk/goth beginnings to forge a style i would call ambient -rock. This record & the following record "The Moon and the Melodies", with the addition of Harold Budd & Simon Raymonde is also pure heaven.

from "Victorialand", available on CD

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