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You searched for ‘Proud’, which matched 15 songs.
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Steal Yo Sixes  performed by Avocado Baby  1997
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

Back in the mid 90's, my booty was real far into the UK underground indie scene. For a short time, I was buying virtually all the 45's from a small coterie of labels and, of course, making sure I kept the inserts intact.

The Slampt Underground Organisation were, for a time, the UK's most uncompromisingly independent label. Their hearts were in the right place and their principles tight - against 'selling out', and for 'making music in your bedroom'. There was a real affinity with the riot grrrl / Olympia scene in the US, and Slampt had a way of looking at things not unlike Calvin Johnson and K records.

Avocado Baby were Pete and Rachel, the founders and organisers of Slampt. They released a handful of tapes and 45s on their own and other tiny record labels.

Steal Yo Sixes is about playing ludo. It's pretty daft, and the lowest lo-fi imaginable with a toy horn, xylophone and tape hiss being the only instruments. Still, it has an undeniable childlike charm, and due to its obscurity and short length, makes perfect mix tape / CD-r fodder.

There a line, "When we play ludo, why do I always lose-o?" that gets across the feel perfectly.

from Foolish And Punk single (Beekeeper-Shakedown Bee21-Step01)

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg  performed by Ben Harper; The Funk Brothers  1975
Recommended by ajhorse21 [profile]

Very motown- lots of instrumentation. Simplistic but upbeat.

available on CD - Standing in the Shadows of Motown

Leave the Light On  performed by Beth Hart
Recommended by alanajo [profile]

because we've all done things we aren't proud of. here's to accepting yourself. cheers.

Cash Box  performed by Byron Lee & the Dragonaires  1970
Recommended by tinks [profile]

I spun this once on a friend's college radio show, and he said he had never heard a song with the bass mixed so heavily...honestly, the needle was so deep in the red we thought the Eisenhower-era console was going to explode. Once you get past that, you find yourself listening to an absolutely storming early reggae instrumental, with a beautiful slow, loping groove and a horn chart very reminiscent of a Stax session from around the same time. I met Lester Sterling in 1995 and talked to him about this song, he told me that he'd been trying to remember how it went for twenty years! Making me even prouder, the next time that the Skatalites came through town, they played it. The original Byron Lee LP that it appeared on has terrific naked lady cover art, to boot!

from Tighten Up! (Dynamic)
available on CD - Reggae Hot Shots, Volume 1 (Jamaica Gold)

Make Your Own Kind Of Music  performed by Cass Elliot (a.k.a. Mama Cass)  1969
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

A true anthem to self-love. Cass' beautiful voice proudly affirms that you have to be yourself and not worry about what anyone else thinks. She deserved more appreciation than she got during her short life and this song strikes me as quite autobiographical.

from Make Your Own Kind Of Music (Dunhill 50071)
available on CD - Dream A Little Dream: the Cass Elliot Collection (MCAD 11523)

  delicado: yeah, I love this track. She sings in a very sincere and rousing way.
  JangleBabe: If my childhood memories serve, this was the theme song of Cass's short-lived variety show back in the '70s.
Proud Mary  performed by Creedence Clearwater revival
Recommended by hillert [profile]

Iris  performed by Goo Goo Dolls  1990
Recommended by irisbuen [profile]

I love the song because the orchestra background is simply marvelous. The lyrics fit so well and knowing that this was a product of John Rzeznik's awakening from his writer's block, I'm a proud bearer of the name same as the title of this song.

A must-hear for those who are cynically in-love.

from Dizzy Up the Girl

Sexual Healing  performed by Hot-8 Brass Band  2005
Recommended by Festy [profile]

I think Marvin would be proud of this version, though quite unlike the original. A typical brass band sound introduces the song for a couple of verses which then drop out as drums and hand-claps accompany a group singing vocals over the top. Raw yet fun. I've edited this audio clip to try get as much as possible a feel of the song into it.

from Rock With The Hot 8 (Tru Thoughts)
available on CD - Unfold Presents Tru Thoughts Covers (Tru Thoughts)

Metal Warriors  performed by Manowar  1992
Recommended by rum [profile]

'Metal Warriors' is Manowar's call to arms, a joyous rallying cry to all the "Brothers of True Metal" of the world. Stand tall and proud, they implore, for the magic of the metal has brought you here. The power within each and every one unites them, and to exclusion of everybody else ("if you're not into metal, you are not my friend!"). Anyone that tries to suppress their might will be met with fearless defiance, "we don't turn down for anyone, we do just what we please!". And they live and die metal, and will not tolerate fakes and frauds and softies, "heavy metal, or no metal at all, wimps and posers, leave the hall!" rings out the epic chorus, "heavy metal, or no metal at all, wimps and posers� go on get out!"

So, anyway, put your reservations aside and head out into the streets to find this one, just this one*, awesome, thumping Manowar track. Spinal Tap were playing for laughs, this however, is frighteningly real.

*although 'Achilles, Agony, and Ecstasy in Eight Parts: Prelude/I. Hector Storms' their 30 minute interpretation of Homer's Iliad is certainly worth a listen.

from Triumph Of Steel (Warner 7567824232)

All Men Play On Ten  performed by Manowar  1985
Recommended by rum [profile]

There is something magic about a song like �All Men Play On Ten� in this post-Spinal Tap Metal world. Such an earnest rock anthem, in such an irony saturated market� You�ve got to have respect for Manowar. Is it a mark of defiance or of ignorance and stupidity? Hard to tell. Maybe both. But then this song is essentially about doing things their own way, and not listening to anybody. So who cares anyway? Well, it�s worth listening to Eric Adams for 4 minutes at least. He has a message for us all. He�s no puritanical, know-it-all, he�s a reformed character preaching a rock�n�roll gospel. Believe it or not brothers, he too has fallen. There was a time when he did it for the money, yes that�s right, he sold his soul to the loud music-hating devil. And the devil said hmmm Mr Adams, for your money I have some things I need you to do for me, adjustments as it were. Eric said, well okay, what do you suggest? The devil demanded that he turn down his amps, �why be proud, don�t play so loud, be like us and get a sound that�s real THIN�. OK, I reckon I could do that, just a bit, said Eric, a little put out. But the demands didn�t end there, Eric was pinched and plucked for his silver dollar, �wear a polyester suit, act happy, look cute, get a haircut and buy small gear.� And inevitably it all got too much. Eric�s no pigeon weaver, and he got real mad, and he turned to the devil and said, �HOLD IT, RIGHT THERE!� And good for him. For this is a great track. Very catchy.

from Sign Of The Hammer

  frmars: Tried your recommandation. Very poor music. Erased it.
  rum: hmmm... such a painfully earnest rock comment, in such an irony saturated market. I think you may have missed the point somewhat. Lighten up kid, and broaden your scope.
Odyssey  performed by No Wyld  2013
Recommended by elhenzo [profile]

This song has a heroic beat that makes you proud. When it's over, you feel great. It's important to me because of that.

from Abstract (Fontana)

Whatta Man  performed by Salt �N� Pepa featuring En Vogue  1993
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

This has to be my favourite song ever about being happy and in love. No piece of music gets it across just how damn happy you can be with the right person, when everything just falls into place.

Salt 'N' Pepa have one of the most consistently great back catalogues of any pop group. They just, seemingly effortlessly, wheeled out killer tune on top of killer tune in an era when pop-rap (pop-hop?) was at its apex.

My man has all the attributes the seven ladies describe here, alongside a willingness to put up with my Claudja Barry and Dolly Dots records. But don't take him for a sucker, cos that's not what he's about...

from Very Necessary, available on CD

Chocolates  performed by The Aluminum Group  1997
Recommended by tempted [profile]

This is a song that has made me cry twice. The first time was when I first heard it. The second...

"Am I bringing you down/when I'm giving you candy/all I want is the best for you tonight"

Burt Bacharach would be proud of this song had he written it. It reminds me a lot of his work.
The Aluminum Group are truly unique in the world of pop music today. With help of Jim O'Rourke among others they've created celestial music.

from Plano, available on CD

  musicmars: I agree. The Aluminum Group are incredible and "Chocolates" is their best song. Talk about Sophistipop. The new cd "More Happyness" is a masterpiece. I really thought "Happiness was alright but More is ... definitely MORE. I was lucky enough to see them live last year and they put on a wonderful show. the Navin's have unique music, voices and personalities - very funny, beautiful people.
  tinks: i djed a show with them and parker & lily a while ago...they're really nice guys and have impeccable taste in music.
  eftimihn: Perfect song, really with gorgeous, bittersweet melancholia. From the songwriting to the production and arrangement, this is truly impeccable.
  moondog: yeah, really great song, but i think they completely lost it after the plano cd. I thought "pedals" should be their masterpiece after the promising two first cds but remember how disapointed i was after hearing it.
The Classical  performed by The Fall  1981
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

Message for yer! Message for yer!

My theory is that everyone seriously into music has time for The Fall. They're just too superlative - in places - not to give them massive amounts of respect.

I have no problem with being a selective Fall fan, and probably err too much to "the Brix Years" for serious Mark E Smith hardcases. I love the early to middle period and The Classical, for me, is the absolute pinnacle of their acheivements. A parity of stupidity and - er, classicality - it marries the phrasing genius of Smith with one of the very best group line-ups in their 27 year career.

So what if MES is a toothless old git now? So what if they haven't released an album of worth in many a year? So what if their back catalogue is being shamelessly exploited by various low-rent record labels? They are one of the biggest unacknowledged influences on British music today and it's time they got the props they are worthy of.

from Hex Enduction Hour, available on CD

dry drunk emperor  performed by TV on the Radio  2005
Recommended by stoneworks [profile]

This song makes me want to be a proud american. It's definitely the finest antiwar song I've ever heard. It perfectly sums up my feelings about the bush administration and it conjures up the revolutionary spirit that must have been swirling around before the birth of our country.
That being said, I'm not usually that drawn towards protest songs per se. But this one grabs my attention with its drumcorps-like rhythm and its chanted vocal delivery with many layered voices. The guitar work is incredibly moving dynamic and textural. The meandering flute soloing echoes the lyrical call to "grab your fife and drum!" and then carries the song off into the sunset.
Of course, the lyrics are the most mind-blowing element when you pick them apart. After two poetically scathing verses describing the idiocy of empire, the third verse imagines the unapologetic uprising of the people. I highly recommend downloading the lyrics and getting familiar on that level. Powerful song!!!!

from released as single (Interscope)

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