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You searched for ‘cinematic’, which matched 15 songs.
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And Our Love  performed by The Buckinghams  1968
Recommended by konsu [profile]

Pure cinematic pop genius.This song was the flip for their single "Don't You Care?" which was a big hit for them lasting 14 weeks in the top 10.And even though I love that song, the B side has always captivated me more.The orchestration is just breath taking. It sounds more like a soundtrack theme than an album track.Like a lost Bond theme or something, really stunning!!

The LP uses the same style for another great one called"You Are Gone"as well. Vinyl copies are almost everywhere in the US for like 5$, Well worth it!

from Time & Charges (Columbia CL 2669 CS 9469)

Drugs (Electricity)  performed by Talking Heads  1980
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

An outstanding live reading of this song recorded by Talking Heads� �big band� on the tour to support �Remain in Light� in 1980. Augmenting their original quartet with six extra players, the sound of the group is huge and funky, but appropriately paranoid. Check out the use the of Adrian Belew�s freaky guitar textures � here between stints w/Bowie and Robert Fripp�s soon to be reformed King Crimson, and Dolette McDonald�s cinematic background vocals on the song�s break. (It�s all very Morricone-damaged, I think). And David Bryne is @ the absolute height of his powers, here.

from The Name of the Band is Talking Heads, available on CD ()

Forma 2000  performed by Nicola Conte  2000
Recommended by Tantibaci [profile]

This instrumental is 5:58, but as far as I'm concerned it could go on for another 10 affirmative, beautiful, cinematic number that cruises along with you and your ragazza on the autostrada (with the top down)

from Jet Sounds (Italia) (Schema Records SCCD314)
available on CD - Bossa per due (U.S.)

Go Chango  performed by Les Baxter  1958
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This wild track from Les Baxter's superb 'Jungle Jazz' album wouldn't be out of place in a David Lynch movie. In fact, it sounds very like some of the work Angelo Badalamenti did for the 1992 movie 'Fire (walk with me)'. It's really wickedly over the top, with a walking bass, wailing horns, and some incredible tenor saxophone work from legendary session player Plas Johnson. The overall effect is cinematic and disturbing.

from Jungle Jazz (Capitol)
available on CD - The Exotic Moods of Les Baxter (Capitol)

Man In A Raincoat  performed by Claudine Longet  1968
Recommended by konsu [profile]

I had to mention my favorite Claudine tune. A nice cinematic piece about an enigmatic lover with "Laughing eyes & dark brown hair..." who sweeps her off her feet, then splits with her dough when he goes to buy a ring. The track is touched by the deep-blue sax of Ernie Watts, which gives the track a "Noir-ish" vibe. Look of Love is one of the best records she did in her short career. Arranged by the genius Nick DeCaro, the godfather of A.O.R. !

from Look Of Love, available on CD

Market Place  performed by Eden Ahbez  1960
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This exquisite instrumental really takes me to another place. The exotic instrumentation, with vibes and great percussion, gives it an incredible atmosphere. To quote the CD's liner notes, 'it's as if you've walked into a grandiose movie setting'. Perhaps this dates me, but in fact when I hear this I find myself picturing some of the desert scenes in the movie Star Wars. I highly recommend the album.

from Eden's Island, available on CD ()

Pilots  performed by Goldfrapp  2000
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

An otherworldly beautiful track. Will Gregory provides an excellent arrangement here: smooth, stylish, elegant, lush orchestration with Barry-esque cinematic soundsacapes, evoking images of a slow-motion nightflight. While there is a strong 60s influence, Gregory throws in some subtle, futuristic sounding digital artefacts giving it a slight neo-noir feel.

from Felt Mountain, available on CD (Mute)

Presidential Suite  performed by Super Furry Animals  2001
Recommended by delicado [profile]

To be honest, I have little idea of what this song is about, but it certainly sets an intoxicating mood - rather intense and dramatic, but very cool. It's a sprawling, majestic pop song, opening gently with a faint trumpet solo and a picked guitar, and then building up nicely with strings soon after the vocals come in. The chorus is simple and catchy, and the orchestration is lush and beautiful, and the vocals are tender. There is a nice cinematic instrumental section in the middle, with some nods to Burt Bacharach. I don't get the impression this is the most coherent song ever, but there are poignant moments lyrically, such as 'You know that when we met, there were fireworks in the sky...sparkling like dragonflies', set against the moody chorus. It feels kind of nice to be really enjoying a new, 2001 song for once. The new album is really quite good. There are some duff songs, but overall I'd say it deserved better reviews than it received.

Update, ok, I've now figured out this is about the Clinton/Lewinsky furore. I guess I'm just not primarily a lyrics person...

from Rings around the World, available on CD (Epic)

Riding To Work in the Year 2025  performed by The Flaming Lips
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

A wonderful cinematic track which originally appeared in extended form on the now hard to find "Zaireeka" album. Seemingly some sort of narrative about a delusional morning commuter. Check out the "Zaireeka" version if you can or, if you can't, check out this great sounding stereo mixdown.

from Waiting For A Superman EP (Warner Bros. 9 44793-2)
available on CD - Waiting For A Superman (Warner Bros.)

Rose Kennedy  performed by Benjamin Biolay  2001
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

In his home country France Benjamin Biolay often is praised as the "nouveau Gainsbourg", he's a singer, songwriter, arranger, producer, orchestrator and plays various instruments. His debut album "Rose Kennedy" shows the impact "Histoire de Melody Nelson" had on him, as this is also conceived as a concept album. The track "Rose Kennedy" sounds very 60's in its instrumentation and feel, with lush, rich strings, warm Fender Rhodes keyboard, gentle and dreamlike vocals with a sparse dose of electronica and some samples thrown in.

from Rose Kennedy, available on CD

  nighteye: Can you call him the french version of Scott Walker? This song reminds me of some of Walkers songs from the '60s, and what a great song 'Rose Kennedy' is. I love the strings and Biolay's deep voice.
Sad and Crazy  performed by Photo-Poetic  2007
Recommended by drjonez [profile]

Chill and cozy. Kind of epic. I love it

from unknwon (?)

Teenage Wristband  performed by The Twilight Singers  2003
Recommended by dyfl [profile]

Enormous, gorgeous, hard-rocking (what a silly phrase) song about hedonism/surrender/desperation/"goin' for a ride." Like "Born To Run," "Baba O'Riley," and "Let's Go Crazy" thrown in a blender and soundtracking a black-and-white indie film.

available on CD - Blackberry Belle (One Little Indian)

Through The Sky  performed by Swing Out Sister  2001
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

When mentioning Swing Out Sister casual listeners often dismiss them as forgettable, mere 80s martini pop kitsch. Or worse, one hit wonders due to the fact that their 1987 offering Breakout is still, by far, their biggest single hit. But this is completely wrong. In fact, they're enjoying an ongoing career for almost 20 years, recording 8 studio albums. Nowadays they�re fitting a niche no other group fits in so comfortably: escapist, late 60s oriented sophisticated glamorous easy listening pop music with all the right influences that spring to mind of that era: Burt Bacharach, Jimmy Webb, John Barry, late 60s european soundtracks in general, Ennio Morricone specifically and sunshine pop. Since these guys aren't necessarily household names in mainstream pop culture today, Swing Out Sister were practically invisible from the mid 90s on in Europe and the USA, releasing their records primarily in Japan, where easy listening music still gets the biggest exposure. The Sisters� 2001 album �Somewhere deep in the night� is their most cinematic, most elegant and visually evocative album to date, where the Bacharach/Barry/Morricone spirit is prevailing the most: 60s arrangements with Bacharach-oriented songwriting, Barry-esque lush strings, Morricone-style harpsicord, saxophone, harps, jazzy guitars, muted trumpets, fluegelhorn, wordless vocals, blending vocal songs with atmospheric instrumentals, creating an imaginary soundtrack. The whole album is a truly underrated gem.

from Somewhere Deep In The Night, available on CD

  jeanette: I have to say I am thoroughly delighted at learning of the continued career of SOS. I always had time for them, and thought Breakout was actually the weakest of the singles I heard. I particularly remember liking 'Fooled By A Smile' and 'You On My Mind'. Hearing the snippets of these songs here, I can say I'm intrigued enough to try and seek out some of this later work. It reminds me of the more produced end of Siesta records' (Spanish easy-pop label) output.
  eftimihn: You probably should try "Shapes and Patterns" from 1997 first, it's pretty much in the vein of 1989's "Kaleidoscope World" and thus a good starting point to rediscover SOS. This and the aforementioned "Somewhere Deep In The Night" (2001) as well.
Time Out From The World  performed by Goldfrapp  2005
Recommended by komodo [profile]

Ethereal, cinematic soundscape, which builds to a predictable, but still thrilling climax.

A friend suggested that it sounds a bit like a classic James Bond theme, and I can see what they mean - it has got those gorgeous Barry-esque strings that come sweeping in at the 3 minute mark that just carry you away, shaken AND stirred!

from Supernature, available on CD

  eftimihn: Great song, i recommended this track a while back actually, seems we got a similar impression from it...
Xanadu  performed by Electric Light Orchestra featuring Olivia Newton-John  1980
Recommended by nicegeoff [profile]

Arguably one of the greatest pop songs of all time. The title song from the 40's meets 80's musical film disaster, Xanadu. The Electric Light Orchestra provided half of the soundtrack (the only part really worth listening to) and it's really good.

from Xanadu

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