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You searched for ‘soulful’, which matched 65 songs.
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You Can�t Win  performed by Ann Sexton  1974
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

Absolute beauty. A soulful chastisement about not winning, not breaking even, and not getting out of the game. Vocals as pure as morphine from the poppy, and just as hedonistically addictive.

This stunning Southern soul platter features virtuoso brass and drums, as well as what is possibly the only acceptable squealing electric guitar riff in recorded music.

I love this song so damn much.

from the single You Can�t Win (Seventy-Seven Records SP 2136)
available on CD - You're Gonna Miss Me (Charly)

Anyway  performed by Barbara Lewis  1969
Recommended by delicado [profile]

Barbara Lewis was famous earlier in the sixties for 'Hello Stranger.' This is simple, soulful pop music with a very cool production: crisp drums and nicely orchestrated woodwind on top of rhythmic guitars. Somehow the charm of the recording overrides any feeling that the chord sequence is slightly obvious. Barbara's voice is beautiful here: emotional, yet understated. A small female choir comes in to accompany her at various points. The song is remarkably tight and catchy, with a prominent bass part driving it on. The producer at Stax for this record was Ollie McLaughlin, and I'm now looking out for more stuff that he worked on.

from Many Grooves of Barbara Lewis (Stax), available on CD (Stax)

  Arthur: Ollie McLaughlin was a prolific producer. Look out for 45's on the Carla and Karen labels. They where both his labels
Daddy  performed by Beyoncé Knowles  2003
Recommended by trixlation [profile]

it's a very beautiful song!! The piano in the background is sooo soulful!
I think, beyoncé sings in this song about her true experiences and feelings.

from Dangerously in Love, available on CD (Columbia records)

Make You Fall in Love With Me  performed by Brett Dennen
Recommended by Sixxish [profile]

A lot of keyboard, brass, guitar, and soulful lyrics.

A nice song about a guy who is determined to make a girl fall in love with him.

Inspiring for all those who have been, or are going through the same situation.

from Loverboy

From a Balance Beam  performed by Bright Eyes  2002
Recommended by spaceysunday [profile]

A brutally honest portrait of the artist Conor Oberst as a young man

from Stories From the Soil (Saddle Creek)

Salvation  performed by Citizen Cope
Recommended by Reina [profile]

Citizen Cope has such a great voice, very soulfull. Salvation is a slow, stark, haunting song.

"But I just kept playing like I had nothing to lose, he turned the third on himself because the bastard knew...salvation..."

Only a Fool  performed by Clyde Mcphatter  1968
Recommended by geezer [profile]

An attempt to bring a former soul legend up to date at least in 1968,a beautiful soulful ballad composed by Apple man Jackie Lomax and put out by brit psych label Deram .as it happened it sank without trace audible only to collectors of rare soul and sixties pop compilations which is a shame because this is a fine song tinged with a sense of audible regret and sadness that proliferated many a late sixties chart hit of inferior quality

from Best of

You’re No Good  performed by Dee Dee Warwick  1963
Recommended by OneCharmingBastard [profile]

Having grown up treasuring the memory of Linda Ronstadt's "Heart Like A Wheel" era version (ah, those AM radio school bus days of childhood), I was nothing short of amazed to find out that not only was it a cover, but a shockingly inferior one at that (picture that - a shoddy Linda Ronstadt cover!). This original from 1963 finds Dionne's little sister (she of the more soulful chops in the family) strutting her stuff in a Lieber/Stoller production that apparently sank without a trace, but my oh my, what a revelation.

Out on the side  performed by Dillard and Clark  1969
Recommended by lpeditor [profile]

A friend told me about this band around Christmas time, and knowing my particular musical taste, couldn't understand why I hadn't heard of them before. The LP 'The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard and Clark' is superb. Soulful country music with some stunning harmonies and mellow, warm production.

from The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard and Clark

You Used To  performed by Distant Cousins  1990
Recommended by geezer [profile]

We all know a song whose brilliance seemed to avoid the rest of the worlds attention but "You Used To" is genuinely brilliant .Released at the start of the 90,s in the midst of Mad-chester and all that!,this soulful,mournful swirling orchestral epic sank without trace soon after .I found a copy a few weeks ago and its brilliance has not been dimmed by the passing of time in fact it now seems more relevant in the wake of Massive Attack,Morcheba and Duffy .You may find it hard to find but if you have it let someone else hear it NOW!!!!!!!!!!

from Distant cousins
available on CD - Distant Cousins/You Used To cd single

What a Fool Believes  performed by Doobie Brothers   1978
Recommended by geezer [profile]

The perfect marriage of adult rock and blue eyed soul.A relationship viewed from the point of nostalgia ,to the male it was really something ,to the lady it barely registered.This brought Michael McDonald to prominence as a soulful frontman and if he had only ever recorded this alone that would have been enough to justify his brilliance.

from Minute by Minute
available on CD - Michael mc donald best of

Skin Trade  performed by Duran Duran  1986
Recommended by dsalmones [profile]

Beneath the avant-garde lyrics and futuristic synth textures, there was always a pulsing dance music quality that drove the classic Duran Duran sound. As they progressed into the late '80s, they allowed that dance element to move up front and dominate their style. A good example of this tactic is "Skin Trade," a hit whose silky and funky style led to it being mistaken for a Prince song. The lyrics have a surprisingly direct, soul-searching feel to them as they lay out scenarios of people shortchanging their dreams to make money. These moments are followed with the dramatic proclamation that makes up the chorus: "Will someone please explain/The reasons for this strange behavior?/In exploitation's name/We must be working for the skin trade." The music lends contrast to the angry tone of the lyrics by creating a sultry, mellow melody that juxtaposes verses with a soft, hypnotic ebb and flow with an ever-ascending chorus that revs up the song's inherent drama. Duran Duran's recording is fuelled by funky but gently layered guitar textures and subtle drum work that push its groove along, plus some atmospheric synth textures on the chorus. Interestingly, Simon LeBon uses his normal tenor voice for the choruses but sings much of the verses in a lush, soulful falsetto that led many pop fans to initially mistake "Skin Trade" for a Prince ballad. The result was a perfect blend of slow-dance textures and adult social critique. It didn't do as well as "Notorious," just barely making the Top 40 in the U.S., but it got plenty of radio airplay and is fondly remembered by the group's fans as one of Duran Duran's most mature achievements of the late '80s.

from Notorious, available on CD

Some of your lovin'  performed by Dusty Springfield  1965
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This song is a little more....soulful.. than lots of the stuff I listen to. I find it utterly charming though. Dusty was a goddess, and singing this lovely, simple Goffin/King song she completely slays me. It's a slow arrangement in which Dusty is accompanied by piano, light, gospel-style backing vocals and unobtrusive strings. There's nothing complex or especially clever here; just beautifully executed and perfectly distilled pop.

from the single Some of your lovin'
available on CD - Silver Collection (Philips)

  Mike: Nice pun on "slays" and "executed" there.
  Swinging London: Dusty said that this was the only song she sang that she actually took home after recording it and played it over & over.
Just A Little Lovin�  performed by Dusty Springfield  1969
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

As a rather casual Springfield listener i didn't discover this track until recently. While the "Dusty In Memphis" album boasts better known songs (e.g. "Son Of A Preacherman" of course), this one is an underrated gem. A soothing, relaxed opening turnes into an emotional, soulful finale drenched in swirling strings, horns and driving drums and bass.

from Dusty In Memphis, available on CD

Speed Trials  performed by Elliott Smith  199?
Recommended by Open Book [profile]

His choice of lifestyle may have been questionable, yes. A prolific user of drugs and prostitutes, Elliot Smith was certainly not a healthy man physically or mentally toward the end of his life. What isn't questionable is the fact that Elliot Smith was an amazing, soulful, passionate musician. I don't really know why I picked Speed Trials. I suppose it's my personal favorite.
Suicide is a subject that always baffles me, and nothing hurts more to see a man with such beautiful music in his soul gone... especially at such a young age. What we do have, however, are the recordings of his maticulously constructed chord progressions, his sweet, wispy voice, and gorgeously poetic lyrics. Pieces of history we can all forever hold onto and remember him for how he may have affected each of our lives. I know his music certainly had an impact on mine. I will miss Elliott Smith.

from Either/Or, available on CD

  delphiblue: "a prolific user of drugs and prostitutes..." ??? sure, okay, we all know that he used drugs, but that prostitutes thing is entirely new to me. is there actual proof of this, or can one just assume that having sex with prostitutes is a natural progression from using drugs?
  delicado: Ok - I just deleted a couple of comments from here because someone disobeyed my 'be nice' rule. First time I've had to do that in nearly 6 years! I dunno - if it's not spammers it's nutcases! Sorry you were bothered by this, Open Book...
Ninna nanna per adulti  performed by Ennio Morricone  1969
Recommended by m_thom [profile]

This track, heck, make that soundtrack, is fast becoming an all-time Morricone favourite for me (that's saying a lot-I would hate to have to count the # of soundtracks I have collected by him). It describes, quite evocatively and soulfully, exactly what it feels like to be in a dream. No synthesizers, either (well, obvious synthesizers), just celeste, strings and Edda doing this descending scale thing. And the drums and rhythm pick up and we are off to the races in some kind of cosmic heaven. It's a jangly melody that keeps spiralling higher and higher. I don't think Edda has ever hit any higher notes! The whole "Vergogna Schifosi" soundtrack is glorious, really. I know that sounds stupid, but it's so short and sweet and filled with beautiful, mysterious and lush instrumentation. Worth seeking out the CD. I found mine thru Lionel, the fello at Hillside in the UK. Thanks Lionel!

from Vergogna Schifosi

  eftimihn: Yes, wonderfully dream-like track indeed. It's also featured on the last entry in the excellent "Mondo Morricone" trilogy, "Molto Mondo Morricone". But i think Edda managed to sing even higher notes, just check out "Una spiaggia a mezzogiorno", also on the "Vergogna schifosi" soundtrack.
  m_thom: Yes, "Una spiaggia..." is indeed really good. I heard that one first on the "L'Orchestra La Voce" compilation (I found it in Paris years ago when the vinyl was quite rare). And let's not forget "Un Altro Mare", which ranks right up there (also on "L'Orchestra...", but in an edited version).
The Night  performed by Frankie Valli & Four Seasons  1973
Recommended by tempted [profile]

Great soulful pop number with a stomping "northern soul" drum beat. If I ever wanted to be the bassist on one particular song it would be on this one. This song makes me think about driving on a quiet nocturnal freeway... fast. A great sense of drama can be felt on The Night.

from Inside Out (Mowest)

Take Your Time (Coming Home)  performed by fun.  2009
Recommended by discosinner [profile]

The final song in the album Aim and Ignite couldn't be more perfect. It is the perfectly orchestrated song on an album that transcends musical genres. Vocalist Nate Ruess (of The Format fame) shows that he may be one of the best songwriters of his generation and indeed all time. What else can I say, this song and album is beautiful and should be listened to by everyone.

from Aim & Ignite, available on CD

Green City  performed by Gak Sato  2001
Recommended by PappaWheelie [profile]

Japanese born, residing in Italy to run Temposphere, a division of Right Tempo, Gak Sato creates a Nouveau-Samba with shimmery electronics to match the bed of Brazilian drums. But above all, this track also features soulful and surreal vocals of the "Lounge Lizard's" Steve Piccolo.

from Tangram (Right Tempo TSPH 1000)
available on CD - Excercises (1997-2001) (Right Tempo)

Mad World  performed by Gary Jules  2002
Recommended by BucketDog [profile]

This is a great cover of the Tears for Fears song. I don't think the original holds a candle to this version. Simple and soulful, you can find it on the Donnie Darko soundtrack or take a listen at on the Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets CD.

from Donnie Darko soundtrack, available on CD

The Thief Who Came To Dinner  performed by Henry Mancini  1974
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

A great track hiding out on a later Mancini LP. Soulful brass, funky bass, and theremin-like sounds coming out of the Arp Sythesizer -- the Arp programmed here by Chris Mancini (Hank's son?).

from Hangin' Out With Mancini (RCA CLP1-0672)

  JoNZ: Yes, Chris Mancini is the son of (sw)Hank. I believe he has some lp's of his own out but they are weak in comparison to Poppa Mancini.
Theme For Doc  performed by Henry Mancini and Doc Severinsen  1973
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

A great, soulful piece opening Hank and Doc's 1973 LP. Great arrangement with wah-wah guitar and fine playing by Severinsen!

from Brass, Ivory & Strings (RCA Quadradisc APD1-0098-A)

Coffee Talk - Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix  performed by Jazzanova  2001
Recommended by secularus [profile]

Although this track is not my favorite from Berlin's Jazzanova, I think it best represents the best bits of of their own work and their remixes for others. This track is a few years old but has been newly remixed by Japan's Fukutomi. Jazzanova are at the forefront of the nu jazz scene in the dance world. Beginning with a soulful piano introduction, the tune breaks into a heavy bass driven uptempo beat, sprinkled with a bit of a jazz scat, and a sample of a very haunting and seductive flute solo that sounds as if it has been lifted from an old soundtrack. The song however is not as simple as this review and must be listened to carefully to appreciate all that it offers.

L.O.V.E. and You and I  performed by Jazzanova  2002
Recommended by secularus [profile]

"Sun, the moon, the sky ... and you and I," - I wish I knew where the samples used in this track are from - from the opening piano melody to the refrain (it's possible that the vocals were recorded specifically for this tune). If someone can help out, thank you. I am pleased to hear Jazzanova offer such decent track. After being disappointed by the less than stellar remixes 1997-2000, I was thrilled to hear a very good original creation off of their forthcoming debut full length. Soulful, mellow and ez.

from In Between (JCR JCR 025)

  pleasepleaseme: The first track's o.k. ,though after 2 or 3 listenings a had to through the record in the garbage. i find todays "Neo-Soul" so lacking.
Don�t Want To Know  performed by John Martyn  1973
Recommended by gregcaz [profile]

Starts out quietly, acoustic guitar playing the theme, joined quickly by discreet electric piano and stand-up bass, then Martyn's low, growly-yet-soulful voice starts repeating the chorus ("I don't wanna know about evil/Only want to know about love") like a mantra. Halfway through, the rhythm section kicks in, and you find yourself singing along to said mantra. Highly effective and very memorable.

from Solid Air, available on CD

Alice  performed by John Waits
Recommended by Kaskas40 [profile]

Soulful and Bluesy with a punk edge.

Wunder Gibt Es Immer Wieder  performed by Katja Ebstein  1970
Recommended by BlueEyedYe-Ye [profile]

Who would have thought something with a groovy, funky loungey feeling like this could come straight out of the Eurovision Song Contest? Not only that but the girl is cute as a button, has a fantastic blue eyed soul voice and was a bit of a cunning linguist too, this song exists in the original German, French, Italian, Spanish, English and even Japanese! This really is killer lounge funk and ought to be comped, but i'm pretty sure it isn't... Worth checking out though.

available on CD - Wunder Gibt Es Immer Wieder (Ariola Extra)

Captain Jack  performed by Ken & Beverly  1968
Recommended by konsu [profile]

One of the far too few originals on this great underrated LP.The duo has a familiar west coast pop-jazz sound,much like their labelmates Bud Shank & Joe Pass.Except where as those two have way too much generally lackluster output,this duo has tons of talent packed into one exciting session! Ken plays an icy alto & soprano not unlike Paul Desmond and Beverly sings with all the grace and soul of ladies like Lena Horne and Dinah Shore. In this track, one of the most energetic on the LP,the group swings in a brisk 5/4,with Ken blowing a soulful line and alternating into creshendos with Beverly paralelling in a sassy vocalese. Wonderfully breezy,and just the kind of peppy bossa-like lounge tune you'll listen to over & over & over...They also do great versions of"A Man & A Woman"(with Ken adding some tasteful vocals himself)and "Eleanor Rigby"! A tough record to find, and no compiled tracks are anywhere to be found.... sad.

from Watch What Happens (World Pacific WP-1862)

The Folks Who Live on the Hill  performed by Little Jimmy Scott  1972
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Jimmy Scott turns in a monumental take on this Jerome Kern & Oscar Hammerstein standard. Scott's languid feminine phrasing and incredible diction really cause him to stand head and shoulders above nearly all other jazz vocalists. In this performance, he takes material that could come out rather saccharine and injects a healthy dose of pain into it. The result is a throughly memorable, soulful ballad. Due to Scott's lack of a record contract, this recording remained unreleased until 1993.

available on CD - Lost & Found (Rhino)

Wrong Again  performed by Louise Setara  2006
Recommended by chipster [profile]

Amazing new song from brand new artist from the UK. This is the new Mariah Carey meets Alicia Keys folks - you heard it here first!!!

from Still Waters (Manhattan/Blue Note)

Love Me Still  performed by Louise Setara  2006
Recommended by chipster [profile]

Originally done by Chaka Khan, this song is one of the breakthrough tracks from new artist Louise Setara and her new CD, "Still Waters," Available in stores on September 12, 2006.

from Still Waters (Manhattan/Blue Note)

The Beauty of Who You Are  performed by Marc Broussard
Recommended by pvonkahle [profile]

Very Soulful, the lyrics ring beautifully in the song.

Garra  performed by Marcos Valle  1971
Recommended by delicado [profile]

Another wonderful, genre-defying track by Marcos Valle, Garra is a bouncy mix of scat vocals and funky, soulful pop. The arrangement somehow manages to remain very tasteful and tight. The entire album is highly recommended.

from Garra (Odeon)

California Soul  performed by Marlena Shaw
Recommended by lilly747 [profile]

One of the best song intro's ever! Lot of strings and Marlena Shaw's voice at it's most powerful
Fabby supersoulful run-on-the-dancefloor song.

available on CD - it is!

Dirty Paws  performed by Of Monsters and Men  2011
Recommended by Hypnotic33Rocker [profile]

The introduction immediately throws you into knowing this is a different song. The guitar thrums and sings to you. The voices perfectly harmonized. Soulful.

from My Head is an Animal, available on CD

Koi No Dorei  performed by Okumura Chiyo  1969
Recommended by mr_klenster [profile]

I've been looking for a Japanese song with an late 60's/early 70's loungy, yet soulful and deep sound for a while. This song by Okumura Chiyo (Japanese name order, last name first) is the closest track I've been able to find yet. The title means love slave, the beginning lyrics translate something like, "from the day I met you, I've been your love slave, I want to wrap myself around your knee like a puppy..." This song is somewhere between traditional Japanese enka and soul similar to say Nancy Holloway for example. The Japanese instrumentation blends nicely with the bleeding bass and horns. If anyone knows of any other Japanese songs in a similar vein, I'd love to hear some more recommendations.

  jojijoji88: Couple of tracks I can think of is Wada Akiko's "Doshaburino ameno naka" and Chiaki Naomi's "Ameni nureta bojou" Both have irresitable bluesie feel - Wada's tune is more brassy, Chiakis's more with organ and strings. They're both grrreat songs - Wada is powerfull and Chaiki is quite soulful. Please let me know if you find them - they are jewels!
Let Me In  performed by Osmonds  1973
Recommended by Flippet [profile]

Often dismissed as a teen band - the Osmonds in their hey day were prolific and produced some of the best and most soulful of the early to mid 70s pop scene. Their record sales and popularity at the time are a testimony to this fact. This song is a fine example of their ability to maximise the potential of a song. A haunting love ballad, the song was a huge hit in its day and reveals their excellent voices and musicianship at its very best. The Osmonds set the template for the boy band phenomenon of the late 90s - but their pop legacy should be seriously reassessed by critics of this music genre.

available on CD - The Very Best Of The Osmonds (Polydor)

That’s How Strong My Love Is  performed by Otis Redding  1965
Recommended by floralikescandy [profile]

soulful, authentic

from The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads (Volt/Atco)

Prototype  performed by OutKast  2003
Recommended by Festy [profile]

I knew nothing about OutKast, and know little more now. What I do know is that this song was from a concept album in which both members of Outkast ("Andre 3000" and "Big Boi") produced a side each. Also from what I understand, this track may not be typical of their usual stuff. I also found out that this was played to death on the radio when it was released, so this may not be a new song to many. Not being a commercial radio listener, I missed it when it was released!

I'm not sure what attracted me to the song first off. Perhaps it was how sparse and basic it seems, perhaps the humour in it ("stank you smelly much" - real lyrics in this love song), or perhaps the "behind the scenes" audio, like Andre's dicussion with the engineer. Why would he leave that in, I wonder. Is it a theme that runs through his side of the album? Anyway, a soulful and beautiful, if not strange song which I heard on a compilaton called "Strange Soul" put out by Albion Records.

from Speakerboxxx/The Love Below (LaFace Records 82876 50133 2)
available on CD - Strange Soul (Albion Records)

Darlin  performed by Paper Dolls  1968
Recommended by Ashley [profile]

Brian Wilson given the full-on 60s Brit-Girl treatment. It has wonderfully uplifting brass and some powerful vocals. The Paper Dolls had a couple of decent soulful easy hits in the UK in 1968. The CD is well worth checking out.

from Paper Dolls House, available on CD

Sunset  performed by Pierre Dutour  197?
Recommended by callgirlscene [profile]

Trumpet, strings & a subtle jangly sound begin this song in a way that suggests a tale of heartbreak, as Burt Bacharach can do it. Then piano and wordless female vocals join, in a chorus that seems to say love or redemption is going to come. And this is done in a Todd Rundgren way, as on his Something/Anything album. Then it repeats, and you're redeemed again. Two winsome influences are combined in this sound library recording for a real slice of heaven.

from Dance & Mood Music #9 (Chappell DMM309)

Moonchild  performed by Rick James  1985
Recommended by Nickfresh [profile]

Rick James rocks. but he also can croon. His 1985 LP, "Glow," was highly underrated, and because of this fact, many folks passed up this gem of an album. "Moonchild," with its lush bassline - dreamy keyboards - and somewhat inspired lyrics, is one of the many tracks should've made RJ a bigger star than he was. Motown really dropped the ball on not releasing this ballad as a single or promoting the album, PERIOD. Mary J. Blige brought this song back to life (without butchering it) with 1997's "Love is All We Need."

from Glow (Gordy (Motown) 6135 GL)

Do it again  performed by Ronnie Aldrich  1969
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This is pure fun, a track with that 'easy cheesy' sound which many people love to hate. But wait, this is brilliant! Although rather clunky and an extremely 'square' take on 'hip', this is quite magnificent, honestly. Backed by a relentless beat, Ronnie plays the tune on 2 pianos, while for the bridge section the superb harmonies in the Beach Boys original are played out beautifully by the London Festival Orchestra. Although it's something of a guilty pleasure, I have to recommend this track very highly. Listening to it now on headphones, I notice that it even has that stereo effect having each piano come out of a different channel, an effect used to great effect on his version of 'soulful strut'.

from This Way (London/Phase 4 SP 44116)

  tinks: and here i was convinced that i was the only person in the world that liked this album! the cover of "mas que nada" on here is great!
Bulletproof Soul  performed by Sade  1992
Recommended by MoeShinola [profile]

Hey - don't knock Sade. This is from the Love Deluxe album, which is a great record by any measure. All the songs are original and heartfelt, not formulaic, and with an awareness of third-world misery that's striking coming from a pop princess like her. But she is from Nigeria and knows what she's singing about. Bulletproof Soul is my favorite on the album, a song very dry and quiet and sparse. The backing vocal works in a very sad, soulful harmony line in the chorus that really makes the song.

from Love Deluxe (Sony)

Hug My Soul  performed by Saint Etienne  1994
Recommended by LawrenceM [profile]

A lovely, soulful, poppy dance song. I've never understood why a band like Saint Etienne aren't serious chart contenders. They make intelligent pop music, have great tunes, have a beautiful lead singer with an amazing voice. And yet "the kids" prefer manufactured acts like Kylie Minogue. (sigh). The Saints have released so many brilliant pop songs, but this is my favourite.

from Tiger Bay, available on CD

Jesus Wash Away My Troubles  performed by Sam Cooke & The Soul Stirrers  1956
Recommended by antarctica [profile]

Pure gospel as only Sam Cooke can achieve. His soulful vocalization carries this song into heavy spiritual and emotional territory. Its beauty cannot be fairly defined.

Girl Don’t Come  performed by Sandie Shaw  1964
Recommended by golden [profile]

From the minor key trombone intro to the teenage angst of the lyrics, this is a classic song of the 60's that totally encapulates the innocent era of the UK beat boom. Sandie Shaw was probably the best selling UK female singer from 64 to 69, slightly outselling her contemporaries Dusty, Cilla and Lulu and although she possessed a weaker voice than the others, what she lacked in volume she made up in style and interpretation. Sweet and slightly soulful with a quasi tuneless ache to her voice which epitomised a teenager stood up by some beatnik no hoper, she was only 17 and showed the ways of a woman several years older. In the UK it was the follow up to the massive UK No 1 ''Always Something There To Remind Me'' and was a massive Top 3 hit that should have gone all the way to the top.
I love this record - it sums up an era, it is the beginning of a suit of girl singers who changed then style of singing, from 50's twee to 60's ''dolly bird'' and it remains a classic pop single from a girl who held the record for the most No 1 hits for a ssolo female for 19 years

from n/a (Pye)

  shakeahand: Quite agree. One of my first LPs as a teen was a greatest hits - and for me she summed up the 60s female vocal. For big, brassy and emotion-laden power pop, see also Long Walk Home.
  Swinging London: It was initially released as the 'B' side of the much weaker: 'I'd Be Far Better Off Without You'. Someone, probably a DJ, flipped it over. I love the arrangement on this. It's full of atmosphere. It seems to completely capture the time. Another of her songs that has a similar effect is 'You've Not Changed', which wasn't as big a hit and seems to have been forgotten and is often excluded from Greatest Hits Comps.
Lost In Paradise  performed by Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66�  1970
Recommended by konsu [profile]

This is not so much my favorite B-66' tune as my favorite Gracinha Leporace tune. She sang for Bossa Rio as well as Edu Lobo some rarer solo outings. It's a cover of a great Caetano Veloso tune from an earlier LP. Unfamiliar as I am with the original I can't compare the two, but as far as how out it is for Sergio is without saying. The whole thing sounds really compressed and blissed out, way more soulful than a lot of his earlier stuff, it just drives forward and backward undulating...

Just a beautiful vocal performance, totally solo with chorus overdubs just to fill it out... Gorgeous!

from Stillness, available on CD

  bobbyspacetroup: I'm in total agreement on this one. Stillness and Crystal Illusions are probably my favorite Mendes records, and this track is definitely a stand-out. Great recommendation.
Light Enough to Travel  performed by the Be Good Tanyas  2001
Recommended by mitchiavelli [profile]

'Light Enough to Travel' is from 'Blue Horse', the debut album from the Be Good Tanyas.

The Tanyas are are Frazey Ford, Samantha Parton, and Trish Klein, and hail from Vancouver, BC, Canada.

They sing up tempo folk / bluegrass, and have been received with wild acclaim in both Canada and the UK.

'Light Enough to Travel' is representative of the Blue Horses. I guarantee it will get your toes tapping and hips swaying.

Here is their website:

from Blue Horses, available on CD

  umbrellasfollowrain: There's something about the attitude of this song that I love. The song is originally written by this guy who only plays and composes on accordian. I heard him play once on CBC Radio and he brought his two kids because he couldn't afford a babysitter and the kids kept talking all the way through his songs. This is perfect mixed tape fodder. For that driving mix you're giving to your best gal friend.
I Never Dreamed  performed by The Cookies  1964
Recommended by john_l [profile]

A girl-group classic! It has a very interesting rhythm, which guitars, bass, piano, drum fills, and backing vocals all help to construct ... and then it changes completely within the bridge! The sound is lush, the lead vocal great and soulful. Even in its own genre this is a standout, so why it didn't become a hit is beyond me.

available on CD - The Complete Cookies (Sequel)

the Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had to Swallow)  performed by the Jam
Recommended by vicar_inna_22 [profile]

A foray into blues and r&b from a neo-Mod group.

available on CD - Greatest Hits (Polydor)

Big Saturday  performed by The Jazz Butcher  1985
Recommended by Yammer [profile]

Pat Fish of Northhampton, England, is not a rock star for reasons which might include his naturally reticent and embarassed nature, excessive amounts of Oxford education, and the vagueries of the marketplace, but would not include his songwriting talent, which is massive, if perhaps a wee bit limited in scope (no weird chords, all songs about heartbreak, drunkenness, or cannibalistic fantasies about the Prime Minister). "Big Saturday" is a rousing near-rock number in Pat's heartbreak mode. His singing is liquid, soulful (but not shouty), tender, and helpless in the face of love...a love that MUST remain unrequited for the good of other friendships and sundry considerations of duty and fidelity. At least, I think that is what is going on in this simple, yet devastating tune. For more info, see

from Sex and Travel (Glass)

The Seed (2.0)  performed by The Roots  2003
Recommended by xfanatic50 [profile]

Funky, and soulful, and very smooth. I love the sound of acoustic guitar in a hip-hop song.

from Phrenology

Crying Bag  performed by The Sounds of Joy
Recommended by Festy [profile]

I can't offer a lot of information about this track or group (I don't know the year, composer or even where the group comes from) and this recommendation is also a request for more information if anyone has some. This track is a fantastic soul track that gets me everytime. I can't tire of it. It's from a compilation on Fat City Records and the sleevenotes offer little info. I don't believe this "Sounds of Joy" is the same "Sounds of Joy" that have an album with Wayne McGhie (recently re-issued). From the samples I've heard of Wayne McGhie & The Sounds of Joy, the sound is quite different. However, that is just a guess.
I hope you enjoy the quick sample.

Edit: thanks to Musical Taste, I have found a link which discusses each track individually, and it appears that the CD has incorrectly attributed this song to The Sounds of Joy when it should have been credited to The Shades of Joy (

available on CD - Finder's Keepers (Fat City Recordings)

Jumpin Jack Flash  performed by Thelma Houston  1969
Recommended by lilly747 [profile]

Fabulous cover version of a song which has been covered soooo many times, northern soulful foot stomping version, which great vocals, shouts and musical phrasing by Ms Houston

from The Best of Thelma Houston (Spectrum)

Drugs  performed by This Mortal Coil  1986
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

Perhaps the least typical track from the 4AD house band � and, ironically, one of the project�s great triumphs. Abandoning for a moment their gorgeous� prototype - beautifully dreamy soundscapes and/or readings of songs by Tim Buckley, Alex Chilton, etc. � this Talking Heads cover is little more that a series of grinding, funky sample loops w/Alison Limerick�s soulful vocals drifting in and out. A brilliant rethink of the song, that anticipates (perhaps influenced?) the Bristol/trip-hop mob - Portishead, Tricky, Massive Attack, et al. (Can still be found as a vinyl 10� single, if you look hard.)

from Filigree & Shadow (4AD)
available on CD - Filigree and Shadow (4AD)

  kohl: great band.
  konsu: Sort of ironic too, considering an interview with Ivo I once read with a short list of groups he wished he'd signed to 4AD, which included Portishead. TMC was such an ifluential project that completely escaped the 80's indie mainstream indeed.
Something Bad on my Mind  performed by Timi Yuro  1968
Recommended by scrubbles [profile]

This gets my vote as a lost classic, one of the best "fake Phil Spector" records ever. The tremendous production is matched by Timi Yuro's booming, soulful voice. Still not sure about the lyrics; we just know that Timi's hurtin', and has something bad on her mind.

from Something Bad on my Mind (Liberty records)
available on CD - Best of Timi Yuro (EMI/Capitol)

  delicado: yeah, totally dig the production! As for the words, it sounds like a very similar story to that told in Glenda Collins's Something I've got to tell you.
Sagittarius Black  performed by Timothy McNealy  1972
Recommended by mr_klenster [profile]

This song has been getting a lot of well-deserved attention lately as a re-issue. This is a pants-wetting monster, with a tough, stunning, and powerful sound that really defies description. It's richly soulful funk, slow, psychedelic, pensive, viscous, and extremely affecting. A great variety of sounds in the instrumentation, rhodes, flute, baritone sax, sax, congas, bass, guitar, drums, with no single instrument dominating the track. All the instruments shine together however, in a very spare and sensible arrangement. We should all be thankful that this was found and once again given some proper spotlight.

Trouble Every Day  performed by Tindersticks  2001
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

From the film of the same name. This has to be one the darkest songs from the Tindersticks. It features the lush string arrangements that the band has been shying away from lately, and incorporates some soulful pizzicato effects. Guitarist Dickon Hinchcliff contributes vocals along with Stuart Staples. Haunting.

available on CD - Trouble Every Day (Beggar's Banquet)

Nothing Takes the Place of You  performed by Toussaint McCall  196?
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

A beautiful song by a rare artist. I would never have heard this gorgeous song if it weren't for filmmaker John Waters. It is about a man who is completely devoted to his faithless love. He will sit and wait for eternity in the hope that the woman he loves will return. The vocal was recorded inside a small closet and the acoustics provide a haunting sound in Mr. McCall's voice. He is accompanied by piano, a soulful organ, and percussion. This song alone is worth the purchase price of the Hairspray soundtrack!! Pick it up today!

available on CD - Hairspray - Original Motion Picture Sountrack (MCA-6228)

Empty Pages  performed by Traffic  1970
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Classic period Traffic ,soulful vocals ,jazzy electric piano and funky flute .Never soaring but gently uplifting on a sunny morning.

from John Barleycorn Must Die, available on CD

Waves of Grain  performed by Two Gallants
Recommended by DearPrudence [profile]

Two Gallants are a Saddle Creek Records band, and unfortunately they don't get half the attention they should. They are very impressive and soulful. Great lyrics and the instrumental is brilliant as well.

This is a seven minute song that can blow your mind.

Heaven 90210  performed by Urge Overkill  1993
Recommended by MoeShinola [profile]

The alt/rock cover band I front in my dreams plays this song at the end of every gig. Why? It's the perfect last-gig song; It's slow, it's soulful, and it pretends to the sophistication every college-age hipster does. The whole album Saturation has that feel to it, this song is just the perfect denouement.

from Saturation (Geffen)

Sa Marina  performed by Wilson Simonal  1968
Recommended by gregcaz [profile]

One of Brazil's classic pop hits of the late 60s, written by an incredible songwriting team responsible for dozens of similar gems between 1967 and 1971. Better known in the English version recorded by Brasil '66 as "Pretty World," but Wilson Simonal truly nailed this with his typically soulful vocals and a vintage soul-jazz-Brazil backing courtesy of pianist/arranger Cesar Mariano and his fantastic Som Tres trio. Also note the swirling strings-and-woodwinds arrangement and climactic hand-clapping singalong climax at the end.

from Alegria Alegria Vol. 2 (Odeon)
available on CD - Alegria Alegria Vol.2 (EMI Brazil)

I Am Me Once More  performed by Zee Avi  2009
Recommended by weaselohs [profile]

Acoustic, soulful, awesome

from Zee Avi (Brushfire Records)

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