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You searched for ‘summer’, which matched 127 songs.
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12 Inch 3 Speed Oscillating Fan  performed by Red Meat
Recommended by snoodlededoogans [profile]

country shuffle with fiddles and down-home vocal harmony. short humorous track about summertime heat. catchy, easily repeatable without getting bored/sick of. near the top of my current favorites playlist and has been for weeks. it's available online at dmusic and FREE. if u aint heard it and like broad yourself a favor and download it now. u won't be disappointed. their other tracks are as good!

Actual Proof  performed by Herbie Hancock  1974
Recommended by 4StringSweetness [profile]

9 min., 40 sec.- Improvised!!! Herbie came up with basic riff, followed by brilliant improvisation by Bennie Maupin on Saxes and Bill Summers Percussion, Bassist Paul Jackson and Drummer Mike Clark. They only recorded one take! This song is at first very difficult to pick apart, but once you focus on any one instrument you will have a new perscective on the talent of these virtuoso players. Pure genious.

from Thrust, available on CD (Columbia)

After An Afternoon  performed by Jason Mraz
Recommended by Silly Goose [profile]

Jason's guitar wraps around you caresses you, making you feel like it's carrying you down a river on a warm summer day, sun shining on your face. His lyrics are true poetry, and he can communicate so many emtions. Only Jason could sing a song where all he does is read the intrument panels on his car and still sound great. Although this guy is still unsigned, his website ( has an short CD you can order and mp3's you can download. If this guys does not make it big one day then I'll....I'lll....I don't know what, but I'll do something.

All I Need  performed by Air  1998
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

A beautiful track off Air's already classic debut album "Moon Safari". Actually the instrumental backing of this song is based on a track they released in 1996 ("Les professionels", later compiled on the "Premiers Symptomes" album). This one boasts such an enveloping warm analogue sound with all the vintage synths Air used (Moogs, Fender Rhodes etc.). On top of that there's the dream-like, sensual vocals by Beth Hirsch that gives it such a floating, laid-back tone. Sounds like the impression of a late summer sunset transcribed into sound. Wonderful.

from Moon Safari, available on CD

Are you happy ?  performed by Microdisney  1985
Recommended by whoops [profile]

During the summer of 1985 Microdisney had already lost all illusions about their potential commercially speaking. This second album was not what people would called a long awaited one. Recorded in a chaotic way (the drum part was the last thing to be put on the tape), this is a true masterpiece from track 1 to track 10 and "Are you happy ?" is its epicenter.
Cathal Coughlan (who at the time renamed himself Blah Blah and claimed to play keyboards and plastic pubis)is now a solo artist and still one of the most beautiful voice in england. Sean O'Hagan have finally achieved success through the High Llamas and Stereolab.

from The clock comes down the stairs, available on CD (Virgin)

  felonius: I have to agree. This is one of the most poignant, plaintive tracks I have ever heard, O'Hagan's soaring Telecaster solo launching it into orbit far above the mire of other 80's indie rock. (I think it might have been influenced by Stephen Stills' solo on 'Bound to Lose' from the Manassas album - another guitar solo to make you weep).
Arizona  performed by Kings of Leon  2006
Recommended by chiquitagina [profile]

It's beautifully orchestrated. The first few notes set the tone of the song automatically. The introduction has guitar, and drums kick in slowly, making a punch to the ears. It makes me want to drive slowly through a desert (which I am from Arizona) while the full moon is out, windows rolled down and the warm summer air drifting through them. Amazing song. Really does hit home for me.

from Because of the Times

Bachianas Brasilieras #5  performed by Lalo Schifrin  1964
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Beautiful summery easy-bossa arrangement of this Villa-Lobos orchestral piece. The tempo floats along at a lazy pace, augmented by gorgeous piano and flute solos, then comes to an abrupt end with a very cool bass riff. Apparently, Schifrin recorded another version of this song in 1996 on the "Gillespiana" album, and that features Karlheinz Stockhausen's son Markus playing trumpet!

from New Fantasy (Verve V-8601)

  Swinging London: NICE...very nice!
Blowin� Gold  performed by John Klemmer  1969
Recommended by mr_klenster [profile]

This is on my playlist for summer barbeque season. It's an unrelenting saxophone hurricane, with a beautiful warm sound, and great melodic soloing the whole way through. I love the tense break in the beginning that evolves into a total explosion, later punctuated with ecstatic moaning. A great groove.

Boys of Summer  performed by Don Henley  1982
Recommended by StAgGeR [profile]

OK, OK, OK........I know that many of you hipster types out there are probably wincing at this recommendation, with it. I'm sure that most people are all too aware of this track, and probably avoid it at all cost, but in my humble opinion, this is one of the best pop radio songs ever recorded. I think I heard it first when I was about 12 or 13 while on summer break from school. I was immediately drawn to the eerie, repetitious, heavy delayed intro guitar line. Granted, it has some cheezy lyrics, and a fairly melodramatic tone overall, but this song will forever hold a special place in my heart....awe.

available on CD - yes

  callgirlscene: Yeah, this is an absolutely great song, a classic to my mind, yearning for that perfect love, that perfect moment, and the chance to prove ones self. And this comes from an Eagle, who weren't bad but have been way overplayed these last years on radio.
  konsu: I agree, Don nailed it with this one.It's eerie simplicity is what was great about the Eagles better tunes. It is too bad about overplay, at least in the USA. FM radio is like a Coke machine in a vegatable garden...
  Archipelago71: This is one of those few 80's songs that is still valid today. Instead of being about the excesses of the period, it's a very haunting song about missing something. Or is it about not looking back and having no regrets? You could probably argue for both sides of it. It's a true classic.
Boys of Summer  performed by Ataris  2003
Recommended by fkoski [profile]

I would like help with a lyric change the Ataris apparently made. Don Henley wrote, "A Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac." In the 2003 version, the sticker says something else--a different band name maybe. Has any one else noticed this variation, and has any one figured out what the Ataris substituted for Deadhead??? Thanks, Fran

  heinmukk: erm, now thats music i don't like. is that PUNK?! is that a COVERPUNKSONG??? no offense to you, fkoski, its just a matter of taste...(and i think i got a better taste than you...hehe:) dunno anything about any lyrics here...
  eggplantia5: black flag.
brooklyn phone call  performed by all girl summer fun band
Recommended by licoricewhipped [profile]

sweet, indie, girlie, i love it.

Bumblebee  performed by Roman Andren  2008
Recommended by Festy [profile]

You'd be forgiven for thinking this one of Sergio Mendes' hipper tracks from his Brasil '66 or '77 period. It has that old sound to it and is really warm. It starts off breezy and builds with energy whilst Roman Andren, a young Swedish musician, composer and DJ, plays some beautiful electric piano over the top. Although it starts off with vocals over a sparse bass and electric piano combo, the vocals don't come in again until a while into the track. By the end of the track, the energy is at its most, yet still breezy, with brass, vocals and hand-claps providing a sense of a party. It's the perfect song for a summer's day or, close your eyes on a dreary winter's day and be transported.

from Juanita & Beyond : Live Studio Sessions, available on CD (P-Vine)

By the time I get to Phoenix  performed by Dorothy Ashby  1969
Recommended by delicado [profile]

The idea of a funky jazz harp rendition of this classic Jim Webb song is probably cheesy to some people, but trust me, this one works brilliantly. The opening shimmers delightfully with fender rhodes piano, strings, and a huge breakbeat. Dorothy's harp then takes over, and we move into a nice pop/funk/jazz take on the song. The relentless beat is pretty funny when you compare this version to others (e.g. the Glen Campbell hit version, also Nick Cave's classic stripped down version from 'Kicking against the pricks'), but it is really very charming, happy stuff. A similar funk/pop hybrid occurs on her version of 'Windmills of your mind' - highly recommended.

from Dorothy's Harp (Cadet)

California Montage  performed by Dave Grusin  1968
Recommended by Pal [profile]

Great summer feeling !

from Winning (Decca 79169)

Catch The Sun  performed by Doves  1999
Recommended by chris kane [profile]

Great summertime song

from Lost Souls, available on CD (Heavenly)

Chinese Translation  performed by M. Ward
Recommended by WarPool [profile]

The guitar is simple, yet effective and the melody is easy to get into. This is the perfect summer song for me.

Chinese Translation  performed by M. Ward
Recommended by WarPool [profile]

The guitar is simple, yet effective and the melody is easy to get into. This is the perfect summer song for me.

Coastin  performed by Cities Aviv  2010
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Hard hittin philosophical rap and sublime orchestral sample combine with crisp machine beats .The track exists for its languid summer chant of "Coastin,Im Coastin".Its beauty is in its amazing choice of lyrics and music which you can chose to drop in and out of at random with equally rewarding results .

from Digital low, available on CD

Come and Get This Stuff  performed by Syreeta  1974
Recommended by Nickfresh [profile]

Very nice, laid back summer song. Stevie Wonder struck Gold when he worked with Syreeta.

from Stevie Wonder Presents Syreeta (Motown 11268)

  Swinging London: I'd forgotten about this album. Thank you for reminding me. Absolutely wonderful. I especially loved the bits when Stevie's voice suddenly appears out of nowhere. I rank this album with all the great acclaimed Stevie Wonder albums of this (1971-76) era. I can't say that the song you've chosen is one of the high points, though.
Come Closer  performed by Miles Kane   2010
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Something new from pops new boy wonder ,former Rascal and Last Shadow Puppeteer Kane trawls through pops back pages to define the sound of NOW!.
Brit pop arrogance with Bolan esque flirtations and a smattering of David Essex combine to forge a great fresh poppy sound that will undoubtedly have a limited shelf life but for the rest of the summer this will be the album to have

from Colour of the Trap, available on CD

Daydream  performed by Wallace Collection  1968
Recommended by Ron1967-1970 [profile]

it's the Belgian "summer of love" anthem... a great flower-power song that was a big hit all over Europe in 1968. For those who don't know it, do a search on the web for a soundclip...

Diamond Sea  performed by Sonic Youth
Recommended by Reina [profile]

mellow, beautiful, haunting song...good for summer night listening

Didn’t Know The Time  performed by The Staccatos  1968
Recommended by john_l [profile]

From Ottawa, the Staccatos were Canada's best pop band of the 1960s and, with the possible exception of Strange Advance, still their best ever. This song is a bit of a clone of their biggest hit, 1967's "Half Past Midnight", right down to the lyrical preoccupation with time, but it's still worth a listen if you like that late-'60s "summer pop" sound, because its production is pretty tight and it has several neat little tricks like the best pop songs do. The flip side is called "We Go Together Well" and it's pretty good too, with its fuzzy guitars (or is it the bass?) ...

All of these tracks mentioned here were found on a 1969 LP called "Five Man Electrical Band", which is what the Staccatos had changed their name to. The LP contains both sides of the "It Never Rains On Maple Lane" / "Private Train" release which was the first under that name, but subsequent material followed a musical change of direction to what I would call "swamp rock" after that ghastly "Joy To The World" by Three Dog Night (ugh!), although "Signs" and "I'm A Stranger Here" at least had some lyrical smarts ... a CD of this stuff has been released but unfortunately the Staccatos material has not, apart from "Half Past Midnight" which showed up on a best-of-Canadian compilation.

from Five Man Electrical Band (Capitol)

Don’t Talk to Me About Love  performed by Altered Images  1983
Recommended by dsalmones [profile]

By late 1983, when Altered Images' third and final album, Bite, was released, Altered Images were already dead in the water. The group had never made any particular headway in the US, where their blend of Siouxsie and the Banshees and the Monkees (not to mention Claire Grogan's bizarre, baby-talk hiccup of a singing voice) was just a little too weird for mainstream tastes, and in their native UK, their colorful look and bubblegummy 1982 singles "I Could Be Happy" and "See Those Eyes" had forever typecast them as a kiddie-pop band. Grogan was already branching off in her second career as an actress (she played the title role in Bill Forsyth's 1982 cult classic Gregory's Girl), and Bite seemed like a mere contractual obligation. For the most part, it sounds like it, too, but the brilliant single "Don't Talk To Me About Love," which led off side two, was a welcome surprise, and possibly the best song they ever did. Mike Chapman's production recalls his work with Blondie, while the disco-tinged electronic beat, chicken-scratch electric guitar part and rubbery, melodic bass part all sound closer to New Order's "Blue Monday" than Bananarama's "Cruel Summer." Grogan herself is in an entirely different mood than usual, with her newly-lowered singing voice (and slightly improved enunciation) displaying a rueful, almost petulant edge that suits the cranky lyrics. Only at the very end does she shoot into her usual helium-pitched unintelligibility, with an air of "See, I can still do this, I just choose not to anymore." Coupled with the most indelible chorus of the band's entire career, it all adds up to a minor masterpiece. Sadly, however, nobody wanted to know.

from Bite (Portrait 25413)
available on CD - Bite...Plus (Edsel)

Down From the Mountain  performed by Grantura  2008
Recommended by geezer [profile]

A breezy ,loose fresh sounding slice of country rock but with the element of British austerity to temper those American influences .
Imagine if Liam Gallagher had joined The Charlatans and they had eloped to Virginia together then that might hint at the sound of this superlative slice of summer.

from In Dream and other Stories, available on CD

Eat Yourself  performed by Goldfrapp  2008
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

My favorite track from the latest Goldfrapp LP.
The song takes AM-Radio sunshine pop and exposes the concept to English psychedelic folk at its most radioactive.
The resulting mutation is both sexy and ominous.
The groove is languid, but insistent.
The samples and the synths sound dusty/dirty.
The strings/guitars/harps brood luxuriously.
And then there is Allison's lovely/creepy voice/melody: all woozy sex appeal and little girl menace.
It sounds like that image from the film "Blue Velvet" - lovely summer lawn under which throbs thousands of huge bugs.
Wonderfully slurred....

from Seventh Tree

Footprints on the Moon  performed by Francis Lai  1973
Recommended by delicado [profile]

An incredibly perfect easy listening piece, this opens with an other-worldly, John-Barry-ish synth sound, and then leads into a groovy, lightly funky piano riff, with shimmering strings. Francis Lai's signature organ sound carries the tune as the song builds into a dramatic orchestral pop masterpiece. A standout track, with superb wistful, lazy, summer day feel, rather like some of the best tracks on the 'Sound Gallery' compilation of a few years ago.

from Plays the compositions of... (UA UA-LA095-F)

  scrubbles: Yow! That sound snippet alone is so cool.
  AndreasNystrom: I finally got the version by Francis Lai, and i think its better then Johnny Harris one. Splendid song!. I love the ending part of it.. cant get that part out of my head :)
  standish: I'd have to go for the Johnny Harris original over the Francis Lai version. It's colder and spookier with less obtrusive strings. "Movements" is available on CD (great sleeve - his expression suggests a combined photo shoot/visit to his proctologist) - but the mono single version (w/"Lulu's Theme") is all you need.
  leonthedog: Well, thanks to all of you I had to track down BOTH versions! Amazing what a difference an arrangement makes. I agree with scrubbles: the clip of Lai's version is the most infectious thing around!
Getting Started  performed by Ashby  2005
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

A delicious slice of indie-pop. Very european sounding (influences by early Cardigans, Saint Etienne and Birdie spring to mind), this duo (consisting of Evelyn Pope & Bill Cowie) are actually from Boston. With all ingredients properly in place to conjure up images of a breezy summer day: Warm, analogue keyboards, horns, trumpets and some joyful flutes (played and arranged by Z� Luis) and very light and breezy female vocals.

from Looks Like You've Already Won, available on CD

Girl In A Sportscar  performed by Alan Hawkshaw  1973
Recommended by nighteye [profile]

We see the road going by us, close up on a spinning wheel of the car. Close-up on a side-mirror. Close up on the rear-view mirrow. We see a woman putting on her lipstick. Full frame view of the woman; she has trendy sunglasses, a hat and a red scarf blowing in the wind. She smiles. We see the car, it is a sportscar with the top down. It passes by other cars on the open road, as it continues down the road we zoom out using a helicopter. We see the Californian rocky landscape and the crooked road following it. We go further and further back. Fade out.

available on CD - The Sound Gallery (Scamp)

  olli: Oh yeah, i love this song. i play it at least once a week.
Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now  performed by Trini Lopez
Recommended by snafkin [profile]

Not too keen on his songs about DIY but this is a beautiful, light, summers day kind of song.

Groovin� With You  performed by The Gentle People  1999
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

What a great blend of electronica and easy listening this track is. Think of it as a trippy, chillin' "A Summer Place" in outer space with gentle male/female vocals, some french whisperings and sparse, delicate electronica intertwined with the memorable, lush string melody sample of "A Summer Place".

from Simply Faboo, available on CD

  n-jeff: Great track, it made me buy the LP, which was a little disappointing, but the first four or five tracks are great, and for me this song is the opeak of them, and the whole LP.
Head Full of Pills  performed by The Prima Donnas  2001
Recommended by popgoestheculture [profile]

Perfect synthesizer punk rock.

"Baby, just don't, 'cause we can't go back
My baby, hold your tongue 'cause it's worse like that
My baby, it was different 'cause we all did junk
Oh baby, lock those photos back inside of your trunk
My bittersweet memories
Remind me how we used to feel
All damn summer with our head full of pills"

from Drugs, Sex & Discotheques, available on CD

Hot Fun In The Summertime  performed by Sly & The Family Stone
Recommended by Pal [profile]

The ultimate summer song...

available on CD - Anthology (Epic)

I Miss You  performed by Summer Heart
Recommended by DeathandHarmony [profile]

I’m Yours  performed by Jason Mraz
Recommended by rowalycia18 [profile]

Cute, summer song, with addicting acoustics

  dietspaz: Love this song, though lately I think they've been overplaying it a bit on the radio...the feel of this song reminds me of Regina Spektor in some ways
Ice Cold Lemonade  performed by Death By Chocolate  2000
Recommended by djfreshmoney [profile]

There must be tons of songs that follow this format. I'll call it the 'Tequila' form. Cool instrumental punctuated by someone speaking the name of the song. There are so many songs like this I'd guess that no one could pull off this kind of tune nowadays- without it sounding hopelessly retro. But this tune does it for me. Perfect summer groover. Sound like a bedroom recording, kinda lo-fi.

available on CD - Death By Chocolate

  ronaldo: really great song. perfect for a 60s-themed party. bet everyone will dance just like the people in the background of pulp's video for 'common people'. it also sounds a lot like the archies' 'sugar sugar'.
If I Ever Feel Better  performed by Phoenix  2000
Recommended by geishalass [profile]

This is a gorgeous summer tune in a similar vein to "Heartbeat" by Tahiti 80. This song makes you want to dance, a bit disco, a bit easy listening and a smudge of retro. I can't recommend the entire album - it's all over the place but this single is stunning.

from United (Astralwerks)

  G400 Custom: Couldn't agree more. This is one of my favourite singles of the last five years. The album certainly is patchy, but there's a few things on there that reach similar heights, notably the other single, 'Too Young'.
Indian Summer  performed by Maplewood  2007
Recommended by mattishere [profile]

love the lyrics

Indian Summer  performed by Chris Botti  2003
Recommended by milesblue [profile]

Chris Botti is an accomplished musician in the worlds of Jazz and Smooth Jazz. His style is reminicent of Miles Davis but with a more melodic approach. This song incorporates an ultra-lounge feel with a cool jazz vibe. Botti's trumpet playing here approaches Miles Davis' minimalist playing style.

from A Thousand Kisses Deep
available on CD - Thousand Kisses Deep

It’s Summertime  performed by The Flaming Lips
Recommended by Sulku [profile]

jag �lskar dig  performed by franke  2002
Recommended by shaka_klaus [profile]

due to the cheapest swedish lager and estonian vodka i missed most of the bands i wanted to see at rasslebygd, emmaboda, sweden (formerly known as indieboda). me going to the festival was a mistake from the beginning, i hadn't been to a festival since the summer of 2001 and i immediately felt very old. however, i managed to watch franke. this song is great, filled with anguish and dirty guitarshrieks a la jesus and mary chain.

from optimismens h�n (service serv008)

Joanne  performed by Michael Nesmith & the First National Band  1970
Recommended by artlongjr [profile]

This is one of the songs that first got me started as a music fan when I heard it back in the summer of 1970 in Yosemite Park. I still like it just as much today...I am a huge Michael Nesmith fan, and this is my favorite song by him. Beautiful pastoral-sounding lyrics and Mike's delightful falsetto at the end of each verse make this song a wonderful gem of a ballad. Also key to the beauty of this track is the pedal steel playing of the great Red Rhodes, who was
involved in all of Mike's early 70's albums.

from Magnetic South (RCA)

Jogging Gorgeous Summer  performed by Islands
Recommended by snowmiser [profile]

Song with a definitively caribbean beat, with great, simple lyrics. The Unicorns may be dead, but Islands picks up right where they left off.

from Return to the Sea

Julie Ocean  performed by Undertones   1981
Recommended by geezer [profile]

The innocent punky charm of Teenage Kicks was a distant memory by the time this yearning gentle beatbox ballad was recorded ,a sad summer song to lost love and playground nostalgia with a beguiling maturity not often assciated with The Undertones .

from The Positive Touch
available on CD - The Positve Touch

Keep an eye on Summer  performed by The Beach Boys  1964
Recommended by Mike [profile]

The Beach Boys back-catalogue contains many gems, as others have observed. This one has become a particular favourite for its harmony and the soaring vocals.

from Shut Down Vol2 (Capitol)
available on CD - Surfer Girl/Shut Down Vol2 (Capitol)

Kevlar Soul  performed by KENT  2000
Recommended by Carrie [profile]

Summertime, I'm the silence as the wind blows.

from Hagnesta Hill (English edition), available on CD

Last Summer  performed by Lostprophets  2004
Recommended by izumi [profile]

I love music that can make you visualize in your mind what the song is trying to convey. This is one of those songs that always makes me feel nostalgic and wistful whenever I hear it - nostalgic not because it's a song from my childhood but because it talks about happy times gone by. When I hear it, I can picture in my mind a group of friends driving in a car through their hometown with an orange sunset in the sky. This is a song about happy memories which is something that everybody can relate to.

The instrumentals are nice too. I like how the guitar flares up at the chorus, and the steady beat of the drum, and how the singer's voice seems to echo throughout the song even after he's sung a word. This song might not seem very special, but it's amazing to listen to!

from Start Something (Visible Noise TORMENT32)

Lazy  performed by X Press 2 featuring David Byrne  2002
Recommended by secularus [profile]

No doubt will be on every forthcoming Ibiza summer 2002 compilation but I do have a small spot for this top house record. First heard it on Danny Rampling's show on Radio 1 and it really grabbed me. It is a simple repetitive tune (which constitutes most 4/4 house records) but its the vocals that do it for me. That awkward sounding vocalist is none other than David Byrne, pop music's official cool eccentric. Due out officially in the UK on March 25, 2002, it can be heard out in clubs and on aforementioned radio stations. X Press 2 is the collaborative effort between Ashley Beedle and Rocky & Diesel, London based electronica/dance producers who have had success in their solo efforts. Love it or hate it it's nice to hear David Byrne do something different.

  G400 Custom: I have to say I was appalled by this awful record when it became a big hit here in the UK. I'm a huge Talking Heads fan, and hearing David Byrne doing his thing over an utterly imagination-free piece of chart cheese was enough to break my heart. I'd advise anyone to go back and listen to 'Remain In Light', ironically an album that showed danceable grooves don't have to be mindlessly 4/4.
Like A Summer Thursday  performed by Townes Van Zandt
Recommended by kkkerplunkkk [profile]

Beautiful sad country from the late great Townes. You can hear his depression filtering through his golden voice.

Like to get to know you  performed by Spanky and our Gang  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This lovely late 60s pop track is wistful and atmospheric. The instrumentation is exquisite (vocal group with a delicately strummed/picked acoustic guitar, strings), and there is a cool false ending. The result is a very rich sound, evocative of lost summers. A sound which I'm very fond of...

from Like to get to know you (Mercury 61161)
available on CD - Spanky’s Greatest Hit(s)

  tempted: I just found the original album of the same name this song is on. It's beautiful with just the right kind of softly psychedelic artwork and some crazy, groovy spoken word passages on some tracks. "Like to Get to Know You" stands out as the definitive song and remains one of the most mesmerizing soft pop tunes in the world.
  gregcaz: It's also worth noting that the single version, found on the 1969 "Spanky's Greatest Hit(s)" album, is the definitive one, free as it is from the pickup-line chatter that obscures the intro on the original album, as well as featuring the gorgeous coda which is included separately on the "LTGTKY" LP.
  artlongjr: This is my favorite Spanky and Our Gang tune, a gorgeous and wistful number. I also have the original LP, which features a different version from the 45 as gregcaz mentioned. There is a video of the band performing this on Youtube that I think originally aired on the Smothers Brothers. I saw Spanky and the Gang a number of times on TV as a kid.
Liquid Summer  performed by Diamond Messages
Recommended by DeathandHarmony [profile]

Little Eyes  performed by Yo La Tengo  2003
Recommended by Bazz [profile]

Season Of The Shark was a nice song off of Summer Sun but Little Eyes is much much better. It starts off with a penetrating beep followed by warm synths. When the beat starts you just can't refuse tapping along with your feet. And the vocals... oh my. The vocals sound as if angels are whispering in your ears. A nice instrumental break somewhere in the middle, and this song is a real gem on an album that was a big let down. Except for those two tracks.

from Summer Sun (Matador)

Long Live the King  performed by Gary McFarland  1967
Recommended by delicado [profile]

It's hard to pick a particular Gary McFarland song to recommend: although I love almost all of them, there aren't that many that particularly stand out. Most have some of the same trademarks: whistling or wordless vocals, brass, guitar, and a gentle bossa nova beat. They're slightly wistful, and make me feel like it's summer whenever I hear them. McFarland also worked with some outstanding musicians, including Gabor Szabo and Kenny Burrell on guitar, Grady Tate on drums, and Willie Bobo on percussion.

Long live the king is actually slightly different - it's a simple, upbeat number with a rock beat, bacharach-style trumpet, and picked guitar; a boogaloo-style saxophone also makes an occasional appearance, as does a hammond organ. The German 'Latin Lounge' CD showcases his work on the Verve label, and it's all excellent.

from Scorpio and other signs (Verve V-8738)
available on CD - Latin Lounge (Motor)

  tinks: i'm glad to hear that mcfarland has finally been put on cd in some sort. i absolutely love him, just because he's so ridiculous. if you like this, you should check out the album he produced for cal tjader entitled "tjader sounds out burt bacharach".
  b. toklas: There actually is at least one album that�s standing out a bit. It�s called "Butterscotch Rum" (1971) and has a guy called Peter Smith accompanying Gary McFarland. He sings and wrote the lyrics and even illustrated the cover! I suppose he�s an Englishman, because his voice has a kind of Robert Wyatt-ish timbre. It�s a very good album with a slightly melancholic mood, and with that special laid-back and somewhat loose instrumentation that is characteristic for a lot of McFarlands later work. Very cool and heartwarming at the same time. Would like to have met him and have little chat sitting in rocking chairs. (Oh I forgot: some of the songs on "Butterscotch Rum" are Seventies Rock�n�Roll. They are not too bad, but usually I skip them.)
lost summer love  performed by lorraine silver  196x
Recommended by olli [profile]

60's piece of female vocals wall-of-sound power pop.
it's got handclaps, it's got tambourine, it's catchy as hell. it's just the wrong side of kitch.
I love it.

available on CD - casino classics

Lottery Winners on Acid  performed by The Crimea  2002
Recommended by Ricard [profile]

The Crimea are the current guise of 90's Welsh indie band The Crocketts, who were pretty rubbish and best forgotten. However, this song, which I think was their first single as the Crimea, is fantastic. It has a great summery feel thanks to some steel drums, goood weird lyrics, and thanks to Davey Crocketts always ammusing fake American singing voice sounds like its come straight from 60s California. This is the only song I've heard by the band since they became the Crimea so not sure whether it's a one-off or they really have improved since the days of the Crocketts (Aberystwyths most famous band!).

Magic Garden  performed by Dusty Springfield  1968
Recommended by audvoid [profile]

I discovered this on The Dusty Springfield Anthology 3CD set (1997) and fell in love with it instantly. Until this release Magic Garden had never been available in the U.S. and was originally released on an obscure British-only EP. The song's an absolute classic that veers between Phil Spector-esque surging pop and dreamy summer of love escapism. Truly a rediscovered lost masterpiece.

from If You Go Away EP (Phillips BE 12605)
available on CD - The Dusty Springfield Anthology (3CD) (Chronicles)

Marquee Moon  performed by Television  1975
Recommended by theothercynic [profile]

The title track of Television's 1975 album is the greatest statement of their cumulative abilities as a band. A majestic epic of dual guitar interplay, metronome bass playing, unconventional jazz drumming, and the strangled vocal screeds of Tom Verlaine, Marquee Moon begins with a double-stop riff. A second tangled guitar weaves in, a bass thuds upward, and a lockstep rhythm forms behind the surreal lyrics. From the chorus to the long, flowing jams that follow the third verse, the guitar interplay between Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd amazes again and again. Instead of rhythm and lead guitar, the two guitarists trade solos and phrases, tones and colors. Even when Richard Lloyd plays simply, he dominates the color and tone of the solo he underscores, and when he lets loose a solo, it flows like poetry, phrasing and declaiming the beauty of the notes it contains. Band leader Tom Verlaine twists and curves his notes all over here, careening in on himself and threatening to implode before finding a perfect spot. The majestic peaks this song climbs to seem almost impossible, and it very nearly stumbles by running long. However, nothing can detract from the climactic jams that culminate in Tom Verlaine's singing bird-call guitar notes and gentle spills of warbling riffs.

available on CD - Marquee Moon (Elektra)

Mayfly  performed by Belle and Sebastian
Recommended by Reina [profile]

Belle and Sebastian are great. This particul song is light and summery and will make you feel like you are laying in the grass on a warm, breezy summer day.

"your diary's looking like a bible with it's verses lost in time..."

  kkkerplunkkk: Hmm, yes but it smacks of someone who's listened too much to Love and Nick Drake. I'd rather listen to the Fieldmice who did that first and much better.
midsummer night's scene  performed by john's children  1966
Recommended by shaka_klaus [profile]

ever heard of marc bolan? check this out! toured with the who and got thrown off due to a havoc in germany. a psychedelic pop song of highest class.

from the single midsummer night's scene
available on CD - smashed blocked (get back)

  n-jeff: Its not my favourite of their songs, but one of the few where you can hear Bolan, I don't think he actually did that much with them. They play a funny part in Simon Napier-Bells autobiography "you don't have to say you love me". Recommended for its high trash content and infallible ego.
Naked kids  performed by Grouplove
Recommended by cori6798 [profile]

It's about the perfect summer day

New York New York  performed by Nina Hagen  1983
Recommended by Yammer [profile]

The DIY ethos of punk served to liberate performers from the obligation to have a great deal of technical ability. The unfortunate corollary was that any display of already-acquired virtuousity instantly marked one as part of the Uncool Wankerage, forcing nascent guitar gods like Andy Summers to play as though suddenly arthritic. Possibly the first artist to successfully bridge Old World training and New World raucousness was Nina Hagen. "New York New York" is the East German-trained singer's signature tune. Over a clipped, dry Morodor techno-dystopia background, the verses present Hagen recounting her then-current regimen of glamourous excess in a harsh, metallic raven's shriek. Then, as though descending from the heavens at the end of a Wagnerian opera, comes the chorus -- a meltingly warm (yet uncomfortable) wave of minor chords, then a soaring, yearning, superbly modulated mezzo-soprano...which, after a jolt of realization, is understood to also belong to Nina Hagen. And so on.

from Fearless (CBS)

No More Tears  performed by Barbra Streisand; Donna Summers
Recommended by ajhorse21 [profile]

It's very 70's with a slow start but picks up and is really fun by the end. Diana DeGarmo sang it on American Idol, season 3.

Nobody Loves Us  performed by Morrissey  1995
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

This summer marks the 20th year of the release of 'Strangeways Here We Come' and the disintegration of the Smiths. *sigh* I was compelled to grab a stack of Morrissey CD singles as the soundtrack to my work day today and ended up playing this track several times over while stuck in the cube farm.

from Dagenham Dave - UK CD Single, available on CD

Non-Stop To Brazil  performed by Astrud Gilberto  1965
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

The wonderful arrangement never fails to impress me whenever i listen to this Gilberto song (I always thought this was an Ogermann arrangement just to find out recently it's by Don Sebesky). Anyway, the arrangement is excellent: with its incredibly lush, glissanding strings it feels like you're just about to leave a 60s jet set lounge to enter your private plane on a sunny summer day that takes off to Rio. Well, that's how it sounds to me anyway...

from The Shadow Of Your Smile, available on CD

Once Upon a Summertime  performed by Blossom Dearie  1958
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

A very ethereal song that is perfect for the lilting girlish voice of Blossom Dearie. She is also an accomplished pianist and plays on every song she sings. She is backed by a standard jazz trio on this track and they play in a wonderfully subdued manor that allows her voice and the words to be the focal point of this song. Originally written by a french songwriter, Blossom Dearie heard the song while living and performing in France in the mid-1950's. Upon her return to the United States, she asked her friend, songwriter Johnny Mercer, to write english lyrics to the wonderful melody. The words he wrote tell a beautiful story of love lost, but fondly remembered thru a familiar smell or sound. A standout track from the marvelous LP of the same name. Give it a listen the next time you go to your local music store.

from Once Upon a Summertime, available on CD

Papaya  performed by Stelvio Cipriani  1978
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Very well arranged, fully orchestrated bossa nova piece by the otherwise rather obscure Stelvio Cipriani. Very warm, breezy,summery feeling on this one with it's light beat, lush and silky strings, great melody played on trumpet and harpsicord. It's very resembling of the Morricone sound of the late 60s/ early 70s, in fact you could easily fit this one onto the first "Mondo Morricone" compilation it's so good.

from Bossa Galore - Lounge At Cinevox, available on CD

Pata Pata  performed by Augusto Alguerro  1968
Recommended by n-jeff [profile]

This is the sound of summer in the sixties as I remember it from my childhood. Sunny, light, breezy. Its from one of Augusto Alguerro's 2 Polydor releases, and while not as funky or bizarre as some of the other tracks, in terms of shear fun pop its a total star. Starting with a nice little trombone riff, its quite fast with wordless vocals, flute and light brass. It has the very good production that you always seem to get with 60's polydor LP's. I wonder if the Ragovoy that wrote it is Jerry Ragovoy who I know better as a soul writer, penning Lorraine Ellisons mighty 'Stay with me baby' amongst others.

from Sounds Spectacular (Polydor)

  delicado: Horst Jankowski's version of this is excellent also! I would love to check out the Alguero, but it seems to be very hard to find his LPs. I have 'Laugh Laugh'; that's it...
  RCA76: This artist is totally worth looking for. He's arranged, composed and played pretty much Spain's most important music of the 50's and 60's. Spanish (and now international) vocalists like Rocio Durcal, Sara Montiel, Karina and Marisol recorded countless impressive hits of Alguer� and Antonio Guijarro (his long-time writing partner). They are the Rodgers and Hammerstein of Spanish cinema.
  mike33436: If anyone is interested, this CD set includes some nice tunes. Michele ps: Am looking for some Andre Brasseur,Ted Heath, Edmundo Ros and a few more.
Peaceful  performed by Georgie Fame  1969
Recommended by Swinging London [profile]

I'm very surprised there are no other Georgie Fame songs here.

Here's yet another British solo singer of the 1960's who never really made it in America...except, I think, with the song 'Bonnie & Clyde'.

By 1969 Georgie Fame's success as a hit-maker was starting to wind down, before, in the early '70's, he teamed up with Alan Price and had a hit with the forgettable 'Rosetta'.

I think this song has been forgotten, this version anyway, but it's far from forgettable.

A really terrific late '60's chart hit, that only made it to no.16 on the British charts, but should have done so much better.

A really upbeat, summer song.

It was covered by someone else sometime in the '70's, I think, but that version was far inferior to this.

Wondeful gentle arrangement...lots of mellow brass & Georgie's voice at its understated, confident best.

available on CD - yes (Raven)

  konsu: This song was written by Kenny Rankin. A legend in his own right in the US. The Fame version is awesome indeed, i've heard a lot of takes on this one and his takes the prize.
  audioadventures: I agree I re-discovered this song recently and it has been added to my best songs of all time.
Phoney Ladies  performed by Neneh Cherry  1989
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

Great bopping beats and a fantastic chorus. Lyrical content is Neneh's stalwart, female rivalry.

I went to a fancy dress party as Neneh once. Someone told me I looked more like Martika...

from Raw Like Sushi, available on CD

Play Alone  performed by Asylum Party
Recommended by Dalriada [profile]

This unique song, unique to the whole body of work by the obscure Asylum Party, unique in every sense... If anybody ever wanted to create the sound of pure nostalgia in itself, this is the closest anyone ever got. I wonder what other people feel when listening to this song. I get utterly and hopelessly nostalgic, even though I don't know what for. It's not that I'm particularly old and know many times and eras, it's not that I have to dig particularly deep into my memory to get to that one dark part that's so irrevocably gone it makes one's heart ache and break. I don't know what it reminds me of, if of anything at all. It seems to be simply the soundtrack of some good times, times much better than the one you're stuck in right now, the soundtrack of reverie and the painful awareness that nothing will be the same again. I sometimes think it reminds me of beautiful summers I've known, the heat and sun that burnt my eyes, but then it seems just as fitting for a summer night at an open fire or an autumn window blurred with falling rain. The initial beats sound as if they could lead to anything, they even sound deceptively cheerful until the first melancholic screech of a guitar... "Feeling that hole that is just my soul..." Yeah, that must be it!

Playground Love  performed by Air  2000
Recommended by delicado [profile]

To me, this one of the most perfect songs released in recent years. It's hard to pin down what makes this track so affecting - the instrumentation is mostly synth; there is also an understated, slightly Bowie-style vocal. Overall I think it is the music itself - the fragile chord sequence and instrumentation evoke a strange sense of lost summer memories.

from Virgin Suicides, available on CD

  secularus: This track is sublime. Atmosphere to the nth degree. Sophia Coppola is very lucky to have a gem like this as the pervasive track to her film, The Virgin Suicides. Mesmerizing.
  tinks: that ain't the only reason sofia coppola is very lucky, but that's another story. i agree, i love the entire score to the film.
Pra Manha  performed by Da Lata  2000
Recommended by roger_roger [profile]

Dreaming speedy bossa for the upcoming summer.
The album is cool for all you brazilian based heart.

from Songs from the tin
available on CD - Da Lata - Songs from the tin

Pyar Karne Wale  performed by Asha Bhosle  1980
Recommended by jeanette [profile]

A week ago I was in India, the holiday of a lifetime. As well as all the tourist stuff, like temples and museums, I always make sure that I get a slice of pop culture when I'm in a foreign country. So the night tended to conclude in the hotel with a bit of Indian TV.

Watched a fair bit of MTV India which, if anything, is even heavier on ads and blatent self-promotion that its British and American equivalents. I was cheered to see that most of the music they played was in Hindi and there was a limit on the American and European bands that got airplay (seemingly, strangely, limited to The Rasmus and Britney Spears).

But MTV is only watchable for a limited amount of time. Jet lag and excitement dictates that one spends more time awake than asleep and so I got to see a few late 70's Bollywood classics, among them 'Shaan' (translation: 'Pride'). This Asha Bhosle gem is from this movie. The film itself struk me as a fairly banal James Bond rip off although, not speaking Hindi, I grant that I'll have missed the more subtle aspects of plot construction.

This song stopped me in my tracks. I knew that Bollywood was an area that I enjoyed but was in a grand state of ignorance of, and I was looking forward to rectifying this. Pyar Karne Wale takes the prize for best Donna Summer rip off EVER. Stealing its barely-adjusted backing from 'I Feel Love', Bhosle wails and moans over the top, transforming Moroder's disco classic into something that simultanously establishes common ground between Indian and European disco while evoking its more subtle differences.

Myself and boyfriend came back with what seems like every Bollywood soundtrack produced between 1972 and 1980 including, of course, Shaan. I look forward to educating myself in this genre and finding more similar gems.

from Naseeb / Shaan, available on CD

  pleasepleaseme: Hi, I'm From N.Y.C. In the early 80's we had a show on cable, called "Cinema,Cinema, which showed numbers from the classic cinema. I lucked out on a few OST'S. Can highly recommend "Qurbani" & "Kasme Vaade" & "Sargam" & "Sawan Ko Aane Do" & "Loafer". Would love to know if you found any of those, or if you could recommend some of your finds.
  jeanette: Did indeed pick up Qurbani, which I have now listened to and would agree that its fab. That's the only one I have of those you mention. Got 30-odd CDs and most of them are double or triple headers, and I'm slowly ploughing my way through the pile. Favourite thus far is 'Zamaane Ko Dikhana Hai' which is another R.D. Burman stunner.
  olli: RD burman is, ahem, "da bomb". probably my favourite bollywood producer/composer. not that i'm an expert on indian 70's pop culture or anything.
Restons Group�s  performed by Alexandre Desplat  1998
Recommended by nighteye [profile]

Does it get any more happier and sunnier than this? This is a true sunshine pop / jet-set lounge piece with a fast paced beat, lush strings, woodwinds and a catchy melody. The style reminds me of Bacherat's 'Pacific Coast Highway' and Alan Hawkshaw's 'Girl in a Sportscar'. Just imagine your self beeing on the French riviera, crusing around in your sportscar with a beautiful girl at your side and you are the king of the world as you drive into the sunset.

I can be very wrong here, but it seams that this is the title song for the movie with the same name, made in 1998. I could have sworn that this was a piece from the 1960s, the sound, the arrangement, the instruments, sound incredibly accurate and realistic. I found this song on the excellent 'Jet Set Society' compilation from our own eftimihn on this site, a brilliant pick.

available on CD - Mondo Lounge Vol.1 - Jet Set Society

  eftimihn: Excellent description, for me the track evokes similar scenes when listening to it. And you're not wrong, the track really is from 1998, but sounds absolutely late 60s/early 70s. Well, the whole compilation ain't that bad either i guess :-) If anyone is interested:
  nighteye: This song alone almost makes me want to see the movie! I wonder if the whole soundtrack is like this? Btw. I almost got a eargasm at 2:15 minutes into the track. :)
Rollerskate  performed by Call and Response  2002
Recommended by Ricard [profile]

From all the summery pop music on this site, think you'll love this song from the Californians Call and Response about the simple joys of rollerskating.
You can download it for free (and legally) from so why not give it a listen.

Rose Petals, Incense and a Kitten  performed by The Association  1968
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

This is a pretty much overlooked gem by The Association. Somewhere described as a "total pacific beach fantasy", that's exactly how the song sounds. With it's idealized lyrics, great vocal harmonies, lush strings and a very nice acoustic guitar solo you can almost feel a gentle pacific breeze, evoking a similar kind of "lost summer" mood Chad & Jeremy's "Distant Shores" provide (at least for me)...

from Birthday, available on CD

  tinks: yummy song! i love this whole lp.
Rumors  performed by Eternity’s Children  1967
Recommended by masayo [profile]

So surprised that the composer, Mr. Bruce Blackman wrote a comment on Mrs. Bluebird's recommendation of this site! And this song "Rumor" ,their first single, was also written by him and Keith Olsen. Beautifully pop melody, intertwined harmony and good sense of guitar arrangement...It's like a comfortable summer breeze. Though I do love "The Other Side of Me", "I Wanna Be With You" and "Mrs. Bluebird" as well, this is the best track in me.

from Single only (A&M 866)
available on CD - The Melody Goes On #Soft Rock Vol.2 (M&M MMCD-1013)

  Ron1967-1970: this song was on one of the two LP's
  deltadoodah: yea, bruce was there in the very beginning, but he was not there when we recorded the second lp or the last single we recorded in tyler, texas with robin hood bryant. he wrote NO songs on the "timeless" album and you HAVE NOT heard the TRUE story about "eternity's children." I thank you for your time...but I am not impressed by what Mr. Blackmon is writing. If you would like the REAL story, please let me, Roy Whitaker, Linda Lawley or Mike McClain hear from you. Thanks a lot and keep on rockin'. Charlie Ross
  masayo: wow.... are you Mr. Charlie Ross??? I'd really like to hear the REAL story!! Actually I can't get just a little information about Eternity's Children while it's my favorite group...
  trainman5561: charlie, hope you remember me.Iworked with you as your road man in 66.I've often wondered where you and johnny walker went to. I'm still in B'ham Al. If you remember me send a phone no.I can reach you at.Would like to ask some questions about old times and friends.Those were good times in my life. Your old friend Jimmy [email protected]
Set Out Running  performed by Neko Case and Her Boyfriends  2000
Recommended by mitchiavelli [profile]

'Set Out Running' is from Neko Case's second album 'Furnace Room Lullaby'. The album was recorded for Mint Records in Canada and is licensed to Bloodshot Records in the US.

Case has matured as a writer and 'Set Out Running' is proof. It is a haunting song of love, loss and fear, and never fails to move me I listen to it.

Keep an eye-out for a new release from Case. It is called 'Blacklisted' and is set to be released in the summer of 2002.

Neko Case and Her Boyfriends are currently on tour opening for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

from Furnace Room Lullaby, available on CD

She touched me  performed by Love Generation  1967
Recommended by Ron1967-1970 [profile]

A song that moved and still moves me deeply... like a breath of fresh air... a feel-good song with a lot of tenderness... I would say a typical exponent of the Summer of Love ... a great
underrated song...which moves me to tears (mind you I am a straight male, but music can
play your emotions to the fullest... this is such a song).

from The Love Generation

Sidewalk  performed by Birdie  2001
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Great soundtrack to a sun-drenched sunday afternoon. Birdie members Paul Kelly and Deborah Wykes met as tour musicians for Saint Etienne, and in fact they sound similar with Deborah Wykes sounding like a somewhat subdued, toned down Sarah Cracknell. But you can hear more influences, with all the warm instrumentation in the song (acoustic guitar, flutes, muted trumpet, various analogue keyboards) it's close to late 60s easy listening pop, Bacharach and The Carpenters.

from Triple Echo, available on CD

So Nice (Summer Samba)  performed by Howard Roberts  1967
Recommended by delicado [profile]

I just heard this for the first time and was completely bowled over. Summer Samba, which in its famous Walter Wanderley organ version sounds like a not-particularly-hip roller-rink tune, is here given a funky treatment with organ and guitar. The guitar gets a little noodley, but in a cool way. Most of Howard Roberts's capitol albums have just been re-released as 2-on-1 CDs; I hope they are all as good as this one.

from Jaunty-Jolly! (Capitol ST-2716)
available on CD - Jaunty-Jolly!/Guilty!! (Euphoria/Sundazed)

Someone you love  performed by Popguns  1990
Recommended by delicado [profile]

A super-simple, super-charming innocent indie pop song from the hazy summer of 1990. The popguns were a nice jangly guitar band with a female singer and the old drummer from the Wedding Present. Their best songs really are excellent; I'm slightly surprised to find myself still enjoying them after all these years.

from Eugenie (Midnight Music)

Spring Affair  performed by Donna Summer  1976
Recommended by lilly747 [profile]

The perfect slice of disco...everything is right, the wild bassline, pounding beat, streaking violins and the re-requisit amount of donna 'ahh's' and 'ohhs'....what more can you ask you!

from Four Seasons of Love, available on CD

Spring Summer Autumn  performed by The Style Council  1984
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Demoted to a 12inch b-side when the muse was thick and fast .A poetic vision of renewal and springtime set to simple melody picked out on a steely sounding acoustic guitar and some well behaved keyboards.Lost amidst Wellers considerable legend and back catologue .Have a listen to a writer pushing the boundaries of his own ability

from The Complete Adventures of the Style Council, available on CD

Sugar Magnolia  performed by The Grateful Dead
Recommended by Reina [profile]

Possibly the greatest song of all time...or at least my favorite. If someone were to take the season of summer and magically turn it into a song, this would be it. Free, happy, beautiful...embodies the fresh feeling of summer. A must have.

"Head's all empty and I don't care..."

Summer  performed by Modest Mouse
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

Summer  performed by Buffalo Tom  1995
Recommended by MoeShinola [profile]

This is Buffalo Tom's best single, off their last 90s studio album Sleepy Eyed(Big Red Letter Day was a better album). It opens with an unorthodox chord progression played on an alternate-tuned guitar that desperately wants to resolve but makes you wait for the cathartic chorus. The insistent nature of the chord progression in the verses is what hooked me and it still does just as much as the first time I heard it.

from Sleepy Eyed (Beggars Banquet)

Summer (The First Time)  performed by BOBBY GOLDSBORO  1973
Recommended by callgirlscene [profile]

This story-song uses an imposing repeating piano riff, 12 string guitar, a little tasteful organ, and dramatic wistful strings as it recounts someone's first, well, lay. On a hot June day/night the singer loses his virginity with a older Southern belle. The version on the Honey CD though isn't as good as the original Bobby Goldsboro vinyl- it seems too lavishly produced, and is from the Summer of '42 soundtrack.

available on CD - HONEY (REMEMBER)

  Arthur: Millie Jackson covered this song and takes all the saccharine out of it!
  pottymoon: 'Summer the first time' by Bobby G doesn't have an ounce of Saccharine, it is a powerfully evocative track taking me back to when I was 19 (and that's 32 years ago!)so completely that I can smell, taste and feel everything as if I'd dropped back into 1973 from a time machine! And if you think that I write with Saccharine, then hey,I get paid for it!
  commonsense: I am just listening to this tack as I am typing and it really is an excellent example for nostalgia. The way the song is constructed makes it easily slip into your mind and float downstream to past encounters...
Summer Overture  performed by Clint Mansell  2000
Recommended by Rena Blue [profile]

Taken from the film soundtrack 'Requiem for a dream'

from Requiem for a dream (Nonesuch Records)
available on CD - Requiem for a Dream (Nonesuch Records)

summer overture  performed by requiem for a dream
Recommended by pinguin [profile]

summer skin  performed by death cab for cutie  2009
Recommended by flange1515 [profile]

nice modern song

Summer Solstice  performed by Crystal Antlers
Recommended by lhirsch92 [profile]

Summer Sound  performed by Joe & Bing (aka Best Of Friends)  1970
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Fantastic piece of gentle soft rock, filled with simple and effective bittersweet lyrics. Soundwise, delicado appropriately described it in his review as a "cooler and classier take on the Chad & Jeremy sound with superior performances, songwriting and arrangements". I can absolutely subscribe to that description, the whole album is a long lost softrock gem.

from Daybreak, available on CD

Summer Sun  performed by Koop  2001
Recommended by PappaWheelie [profile]

The best sample-based, Nouveau Bossa Nova I've heard since Nicola Conte's album.

from Waltz for Koop, available on CD

Summer Sunshine  performed by The Corrs
Recommended by ajhorse21 [profile]

This song was used on an Oxygen promo for awhile. It's very good with good music and a memorable chorus.

available on CD - Borrowed Heaven

  Issie: I like this song because it makes me happy
Summer Wind  performed by Frank Sinatra
Recommended by Sulku [profile]

Summer’s End  performed by Foo Fighters
Recommended by nicolebaker [profile]

Summer, Highland Falls  performed by Billy Joel
Recommended by mklinsao [profile]

from Turnstiles

Summersong  performed by The Decemberists
Recommended by lhirsch92 [profile]

Summertime  performed by Billie Holiday
Recommended by eve [profile]

Summertime  performed by The Sundays
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

Summertime Fun  performed by Nikki & The Corvettes
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

Summertime Rolls  performed by Jane’s Addiction  1988
Recommended by rooftop_holler [profile]

a major theme song during one of the first summers in which i got to experience pure slivers of life on my own terms. reminds me of billy kaiser, and still-warm, oceany air in the drive home from the beach late at night. and lying on my back looking at stars. don't know if you'll feel it to or if it's context for me...lemme know. ; )

from Nothing's Shocking, available on CD

  rooftop_holler: ok, that shoulda been "too" with 2 "o"'s...whaddya want at 3 am?
Sunshower  performed by Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band  1976
Recommended by ambassador [profile]

This one fits well with with my previous reccomendation in the melancholy/eerie vein. I read somewhere that the song was in the African JuJu style, but discofied of course given its 1976 production. It was this song that proved to be the Dr. Buzzard . . . was not your average disco band. Cory Daye's vocals are beautiful and harken back to an earlier era of classic jazz vocals, like Ella and Billie. The children's backup vocals are what gives it the spooky quality, probably because the intrumentation is dark, like seeing those cute (but scary) kids come out of the corn fields in Children of the Corn. The last chorus just sends chills down my spine as Cory digs into the lyrics and dances around them as the everything sort or brightens up, like the sun coming out after a summer rain. This makes the title all make such perfect sense.

from Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band, available on CD

  Festy: You know what makes the last chorus for me (or choruses from after the kids singing only accompanied by percussion)... as simple as it may sound... it's the handclaps. They add so much and I always look forward to them coming along. I became obsessed with this song about 6 months ago and bought the CD, which, as I expected, doesn't contain so many fantastic songs on it, but, still an enjoyable CD. I really enjoy your recommendations!
Sunshower  performed by Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band  1976
Recommended by rasand [profile]

This song features a wonderfully simple instrumentation with strings and hawaiian guitar on a soft disco rhythm. Makes me long for some deserted island beach.

available on CD - Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band

  Festy: I've commented on the other recommendation of this track, but I have to reiterate how great it is. Pseudo african rhythms, kids singing and happiness. It sounds like smiles. :)
Take Off Your Sunglasses  performed by Ezra Furman & The Harpoons
Recommended by TimCat [profile]

Lyrics aren't tightly bound by any pattern, but it's still catchy and fresh like the air on a cool summer night.

Telling Stories  performed by The Argonauts  2004
Recommended by chris kane [profile]

Acoustic summery song. Very 60's sounding with great harmonys and really odd guitar out of one of the speakers. A must hear for fans of Teenage Fanclub

The Creator Has A Master Plan  performed by Pharaoh Sanders  1969
Recommended by rum [profile]

A bit like in that James Bond film, �Live and Let Die', when all those somber funeral marchers suddenly go ape and break out into that frightening carnival procession. That but ten hundred fold. Or like a farmers market massacre on a beautiful summers day in June. One of the two. The Pharoah admitted as much in a recent interview. He said it had nothing to do with the creator having a master plan at all. "yeah I'd just finished reading that James Bond book, you know, with the skulls and shit and on the box comes this quiz show with all these animals being ritually slaughtered on it. And I thought, hey up, I've got a crackin' idea!"

Regardless of the themes and inspiration, it's an unbelievable track. Even if the descriptions "free jazz" and "34 minutes" set off all your alarm bells, I urge you let it go this one time, I urge you to seek it out.

It's better than the five most recent recommendations COMBINED! Can I get away with saying something as stupid as that?

from Karma

  n-jeff: The only Pharoah Saunders I've heard is on Alice Coltrane's "Journey to Satchinanda" (Scuse the poor spelling) which is remarkable. Not only is the playing remarkable, but so is the fact I love it so much, considering it's not only a saxaophone, but it's also in the 'too many notes' style of Jazz. But Saunders playing just seems to float around on top of everything else. Beautiful stuff. but anyway, what I really wanted to know was, is he really a Yorkshireman? (Ey up!?) Blimey.
  rum: yes, it's a little known pharoah fact, he was born in a little village just outside Barnsley.
  konsu: Thembi is another fine record for him as well.
The Crickets Sing for Anamaria  performed by Marcos Valle  1968
Recommended by audioadventures [profile]

Quirky but beautiful nonsense with an infectious Brazilian beach party beat. The song "So Nice (Summer Samba)" from the same CD shows the range and class of the performer.

from Samba 68 (Verve)
available on CD - yes (Verve)

  lilly747: This song screams summer - even on the coldest wettest London day. Take of your shoes and mix yourself a caiparina!
The Face I Love  performed by Chris Montez  1968
Recommended by heinmukk [profile]

nice one! i discovered chris montez lately and i like what he has done.
this song is a cover of astrud gilbertos song from the album "beach samba" (which i didn't recognize until reading it at and begins with a nice organ-melody as an intro. i especially like the sound of that organ, it's a very sweet and not to heavy one. so that it fits perfect into the mood of this song and giving it a little more sweetness.
as always chris montez sings like a woman and if one doesn't know this it wouldn't be necessarily clear to one. (correct english....?)
while searching for chris montez stuff i came across "the more i see you" performed by montez which was covered last year by a onehitwonderband here in germany and you couldn't escape to hear it at least twice a day no matter where you were leaving and going. the cover was very strict arranged along montez' version. i wonder how i would think of the montez original if this onehitwonder band wouldn't have done this cruelty?!
anyway, last years summer was great anyway...(sex every day...)
and now, you go and listen to that montez guy!!

from watch what happens
available on CD - Digitally Remastered Best

The Girl From UNCLE  performed by Teddy Randazzo  1966
Recommended by andyjl [profile]

Instrumental version of the US spy series with a widely sampled intro. Breezy melody carried by sax, strings and �do-do-do� wordless vocals. Mood music by which to follow the planes I see from my apartment window, heading towards London�s main airport on summer evenings.

available on CD - Espresso Espresso

  konsu: Yeah! Just amazing stuff, huh? The entire LP is a masterpiece of banging soundtrack wizardry, Totally worth pursuing. Someone better bootleg this or i'm gonna do it!
  delicado: I agree, this is a great track. Dimitri from Paris seems to have helped himself to plenty of chunks from the album, as well as this song (for 'une very stylish fille'). Incredibly, the LP can be had for around $10 on ebay, and is well worth it.
The Key of C  performed by Jim Noir  2006
Recommended by geezer [profile]

The psychedelic sound of modern day Manchester , a nursery rhyme slice of beatlesque fun with the humour of a Happy Monday,reminiscent of the Lightening Seeds ,a great tune with a great summer feel .

The Love Parade  performed by THE DREAM ACADEMY  1986
Recommended by beautifulmutant [profile]

Almost ethereal in delivery, The Love Parade or The Dream Academy for that matter, never fit into the period it was happening in. Too early for the sixties revival, too different from new wave and MTV pop, the Dream Academy found fame with R.E.M. and college fans... just a little bit.
This is a very emotional piece of soft pop from 1986.

from The Dream Academy

The Madman Running Through the Fields   performed by Dantalions Chariot  1967
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Former beat exponent Zoot Money quickly coming to terms with the arrival of psychedelia with almost soul selling precision .The bands only single has backward cymbals,flutes and lysergic lyrics but doesnt go the way of its peers of the time avoiding lightweight whimsy and stodgy jamming .In amongst these stellar components is a brilliant melodic pop song that gives a lesson in how to jump on a bandwagon without falling off.Co written by Andy summers later of The Police and if you know Synchronicity 2 by this band then "Madman" is where that may have come from

from Chariot Rising
available on CD - Chariot Rising

The Riviera Affair  performed by Neil Richardson  1969
Recommended by nighteye [profile]

Amazing song from the 1960's blending powerful luscious strings with a fast paced catchy melody. One might think that you have landed in the middle of a international crime affair in the French Riviera. Would work amazingly good as a theme-song for a TV-series (maybe it has been used that way already?)

available on CD - The Sound Gallery (Scamp)

The Streets Of Your Town  performed by The Go-Betweens  1988
Recommended by LawrenceM [profile]

the perfect song for driving in your car on a hot summer's afternoon,

from 16 Lover's Lane, available on CD

  eftimihn: I can absolutely confirm that, since i played it various times on the occasion described above. Ivy recently did a very sweet version of the tune on their last album "Guestroom".
The Summer  performed by Josh Pyke
Recommended by tetragrammaton [profile]

from Chimney's Afire (Ivy League Records 3)

Ticket to Ride  performed by Mystic Moods Orchestra  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This probably sounds like an odd thing to recommend, but the more I hear this track, the more I love it. It's as if the arranger didn't actually like the song that much - he has changed it a great deal, but for better. Mixed with the trademark Mystic Moods sound effects, it begins lush and gentle. However, after the sound effects fade away, the quality of the arrangement and recording come through, with crisp drums, a nice bass and some great piano. It has a very cool funk-orchestral feel, recalling some of Pete Moore's best work.

from English Muffins, available on CD

  delicado: Erm- when I wrote this I think I hadn\'t yet got into the Carpenters. this is basically the Carpenters\' version of ticket to ride but an orchestral version. Still very cool, but that was the origin of the arrangement!
Travolti Da Un Insolito Destino Nell�Azzurro Mare D�Agosto  performed by Piero Piccioni  1975
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Mixing light bossa nova guitar, gentle strings, flutes, subdued piano and muted trumpet (or trombone, not sure) this is a very elegant, romantic sounding track by Piero Piccioni, evoking, as the title suggests, images of the blue sea glittering in the summer sun. Moodwise it's quite reminiscent of Jobim's "Tide" and "Triste".

from Travolti Da Un Insolito Destino Nell'Azzurro Mare D'Agosto (CBS)
available on CD - Swept Away (King)

Velocity Girl  performed by Primal Scream  1986
Recommended by n-jeff [profile]

First heard on the NME C86 cassette which sort of defined mid 80's indie, and from well before Weatherall, 'Loaded' and samplers comes this gem. Less than 2 minutes long, Bobby Gillespie's sing song voice floats on top of super clean chiming guitars, no real verse/ chorus structure it just builds and leaves on the reverb off the guitar.

  G400 Custom: This comes from the 12-inch of 'Crystal Crescent' as I remember, which I think is a much better song: loads of brass, a bit like the Teardrop Explodes. For what it's worth, I despise 'Screamadelica' like few other albums. The band: bunch of muppet longhairs with guitars. The music: crusty dance shite. Didn't anyone notice the discrepancy? Conclusion: Primal Scream themselves had sod all to do with the making of the album, although they did appear on its follow-up. Which was also crap.
  n-jeff: Har, har. Get it off your chest, mate. I more or less disagree with all of that, but its not for me to criticise anyone for ranting.....
  shaka_klaus: hey! i like that song. but i think it's probably written by beattie/gillespie. beattie later had some adventures in stereo if i'm not terribly mistaken.
Walkabout  performed by Noah Lennox feat. Atlas Sound
Recommended by ianmalcolm2 [profile]

Doesn't everybody love a good collaboration? It turns out Noah Lennox's beachboy-inspired vocals fit in nicely with the sound-collage electronica of Bradford Cox's offbeat side-project, Atlas Sound. The tight vocal harmonies, and childlike sampled groove compliment each other perfectly.

Nothing too deep in terms of vocal content. It's one of those songs where the chorus is repeated about 800 times, but you can never remember the words.

Instead, this song is all about atmosphere. I'm a sucker for that bleached-out, 70's technicolor vibe lately, and this song captures it more effectively than most. The lo-fi skuzziness, however, only enhances its pop-perfection.

Enjoy before summer ends! This is the perfect doobed-up jam for driving to the beach on a day where you can see the heat. Happy listening.

Waltz For Koop  performed by Koop  2001
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

The opening track off Koop's already classic and eponymously titled album, truly a shining example of sampled neo-lounge jazz music. Very floating, daydream like atmosphere with a looped stand-up bass riff, gentle, shimmery strings, analogue keyboard sounds and some electronic embellishments. With breezy, breathy and soft vocals provided by Cecilia Stalin on top of it.

from Waltz For Koop, available on CD

wet hot american summer  performed by cobra starship
Recommended by ashley14 [profile]

What You Don’t Want To Hear  performed by Sam Phillips  1992
Recommended by Yammer [profile]

The former Leslie Phillips once recorded songs sold in Christian supply stores, disguising (presumably) the moist, carnal, and otherwise unholy drives behind The Indescribable Wow, her first release on the in-retrospect-mildly-ironic Virgin label. At a time when those of us with unslaked appetites for well-crafted Beatlesque pop were having to suck it up and try to get into rap or grunge, The Indescribable Wow appeared like a shimmering beacon of joy. This track's music is as perky and sunny as the beginning of a summertime fling, while Phillips's yearning voice and cutting lyrics have the sad truthfulness of the ending of a summertime fling.

from The Indescribable Wow (Virgin)

When im With You  performed by Sparks  1980
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Like a song by Cole Porter infused with the Mael brothers warped Americana and sung over the backing track of Donna Summer,s "Hot Stuff",if that gives you any idea of what to expect then you wont be disappointed when you finally get to hear it .
So just to add to the most bizzare of musical ingredients there is a sci-fi/prog rock keyboard solo somewhere in the middle strange but-------------------------Great .

from Terminal Jive, available on CD

When The Laughter Is Over  performed by Swing Out Sister  2004
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Their latest offering "Where Our Love Grows" seems like a brighter, lighter twin of the beautiful 2001 release "Somewhere Deep In The Night", trading in sparkling stars with sunny seashores. "When The Laughter Is Over" conjures up a late 60s melancholic "lost summer" kind of mood. That's obvious since they delicately build the song around a sample taken from Roger Nichols & The Small Circle of Friends' marvelous "I Can See Only You" from 1968.

from Where Our Love Grows, available on CD

Young Girl  performed by Gary Pucket /Union Gap  1968
Recommended by Layla [profile]

Brings back memories of the summer of 68.

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